Confronting and Captain America Exhibit.

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[The Triskelion ~ SHIELD HQ]

Bucky Barnes' point of view.

Stomping into the office of Nick Fury, the first words to leave Steve's lips were, "You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?" I stayed by the door, I didn't want to be within hitting range of Steve when he was angry. "I didn't lie. Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours and Sgt. Barnes." Steve nodded, "Which you didn't feel obligated to share." Without looking at Steve, Fury spoke again. "I'm not obligated to do anything." "Those hostages could have died, Nick." turning in his chair Fury looked at Steve, "I sent the two greatest soldiers in history to make sure that didn't happen."

"Soldiers trust each other. That's what makes it an army. Not a bunch of guys running around shooting guns." Standing up Fury got into Steve's face. "Last time I trusted someone, I lost and eye. Look, I didn't want you two doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything." Leaning on his hip with a hand the out put hip Steve tapped the table to make a point. "We can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own." still staring at Steve, Fury said, "It's called compartmentalization. Nobody spills the secrets, because nobody knows them all." Steve smirked sarcastically, "Except you." Steve added while tapping Fury's shoulder.

Straightening up Fury looked about the desk before speaking. "You're wrong about me. I do share, I'm nice like that." Leading us to the elevator Fury, spoke to the command control. "Insight bay." When Steve and I passed the door, the computer spoke, "Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes do not have clearance of Project Insight." Leaning on the rail along the windows Fury spoke again, "Director override. Fury, Nicholas J." confirming the identities of both myself and Steve the elevator started to move. "You know, they used to play music." I nodded, "Yeah, my grandfather used to operate one of these things for 40 years."

Losing interest I looked out the window and just stared at the scene bellow. It was fairly beautiful but if I could see the this in the forties at this height I think it would be just as beautiful, "Buck? You coming?" blinking I turned to Steve and nodded, looking around there were three big ships kind of liked the one I rode on when we met with the other Avengers. But they were much, much bigger and held more things, "This is Project Insight. Three next-generation helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites." Stepping up to Fury I said, "Launched from the Lemurian Star." Fury nodded,

"Once we get them in the air, they will never need to come down continuous sub-orbital flight, courtesy of our new repulsor engines." Steve spoke in question saying Stark's name and Fury nodded. "He had a few suggestions once he got an up-close look at our old turbines. These new long range precision guns can eliminate 1,000 hostiles a minute, the satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside his spider hole. We're gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they can happen." I frowned "I thought the punishment usually came after the crime?" I said looking at Fury.

"We can't afford to wait that long." Fury said looking me "Who's 'we'?" Steve asked, "After New York, I convinced the World Security Council we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis. For once, we're way ahead of the curve." I frowned and crossed my arms, "By holding a gun to everyone on Earth and calling it protection." Turning on us, Fury said "You know, I read those SSR files. 'Greatest Generation'? You guys did some nasty stuff." I had long given up on this conversation, and I let Steve deal with it. Steve tapping my shoulder drew my attention and he motioned for us to go.


Ridding our on our bikes we drove to the Smithsonian wearing disguises, hats on our heads and heavy jackets. I hid my face with tinted glasses, and was chewing bubble gum, my hands tucked into my coat pocket. Walking around Steve seemed to mindlessly walk to the Captain America exhibit. Walking around I ended up in front the display for Siobhan, I couldn't help but tear up a bit. Reading her plague(sp?) I smiled at all the things she done to help with the war.

"Admiral Siobhan Leif, served in the S.S.R, and several other military bases. Training both Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes, Siobhan was also instrumental in the rescue of 400 men including Sargent Barnes, who would have become her husband had she not lost her life in the line of duty during a mission to capture the HYDRA, scientist Armin Zola."

I didn't realize that people knew we were engaged, thinking back I remember Steve telling me that he had told the other commandos that she had proposed. Smacking my head in embarrassment, someone tugged on my jacket, looking down he saw a little girl with pale blonde hair and big blue eyes, kneeling I held her hand as she looked at me, "What's wrong, little one?" hiccupping the little girl rubbed one eye with her hand, "I can't find my mommy!" smirking I stood up and looked for an information desk. "Here we'll find her come with me okay?" nodding I guided her to the desk and got the attention of the woman behind the desk.

"Um...miss. I have a young girl here who's lost her mommy." Coming around the desk she looked down at the little girl who now hid behind my leg shyly but still tearing up. "What's your name sweetie?" moving her hand she hiccupped again, "Kelly James." nodding the woman picked up the speaker phone and spoke into the mouth piece, "With the mother of Kelly James please come to the information desk in the Captain America exhibit. I repeat..." saying the message again, I turned to the little girl and picked her up and sat her on my shoulder, "Tell me when you see her." I said up to the little girl.

She nodded, and looked around, "Kelly!" someone called, "That way mister!" Kelly said patting my head, turning to where she pointed I saw a woman with dark blond hair and a worried look on her face, "Mommy!" the girl cried and I set her down letting her run to her mom, who came over and thanked me with a sudden hug. "Thank you so much!" patting her back awkwardly she pulled back and hugged her daughter, when she looked up at me she gasped, realizing who I was, wondering how I touched my face and realized I was no longer wearing my glasses as they now sat on her daughter's face.

"They look better on you, anyway." giggling I waved and left going to find Steve only to bump into him on his way out of the exhibit, "Come I wanna go see someone." nodding he led the way out of the museum but I was still tired and said I was going home instead. He nodded and I drove home.

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