Hoards and Wargs.

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Thordis's POV

When we found the cave some of them went in with Thorin and Gandalf. I stayed outside with Tor and the others. The group wasn't in long, when they came out Thorin and Gandalf had new swords and Thorin had something in his hand. As he walked over to me, he inspected what I see to be a sword. The hilt looked like a dragon-shaped tooth. Which was beautiful and the blade looked like a claw, "what an elegant and majestic blade." I said gesturing to the blade in his hand. He looked from it to me and nodded but changed the topic quickly after strapping the blade to his back. "I found this and though it would look better on you than in a vile troll hoard." Sitting up he held up a pretty necklace, the chain was silver and looked dainty but I saw in its workings that it was strong. The jewel on the end was Royal blue mixed with different blues smiling I accepted it was beautiful and his flattering me made me blush to the point where I felt if I said anything I would probably say something stupid. Putting my back to him I lifted my hair and he looped his hands to hook the chain around my neck.

It sat right bellow my collarbone. Looking back at the dark haired dwarf I smiled at him, "Thank you Thorin, it's beautiful." He nodded slightly and I could have sworn I saw him blush a little. Suddenly something dark bursted from the trees screaming "THIEVES! FIRE! MURDER!" Swords drawn and weapons raised we only calmed down after Gandalf told us who this disheveled person was. "Raddagast. It's Raddagast the brown." Standing next to Gandalf I inspected this supposed Wizard as they spoke. I was so distracted by the way he was dressed I didn't see what Gandalf pulled from his mouth and I probably didn't want to know.

"Gandalf, who's this?" Blinking I came out of my thoughts and focused in on the two men. "This is Thordis, she is accompanying us to the lonely mountain." The Brown Wizard squinted at me, trying to see my eyes behind my tinted helmet mask. Reaching up I pulled it off and shook out my hair. "Hello Raddagast it's a pleasure to meet you." He nodded and the two walked off a little ways to talk. Sitting down near the two Dúrin boys I admired my new necklace. It was beautiful to look at and reminded me of Thorin's eyes. The echoed howling of wolves startled the company into a defensive stance. Jumping to my own feet I looked around as I held Mjölnir at the ready, soon a startled shout sounded I spun around and batted the monster away sending a bolt of lightning threw it as I did so. And followed through with the last two that showed up. Looking around and listening to our surroundings I could hear more in the distance and they were closing in. Whistling Tor pushed through the trees. And stood ready for me.

"What are you doing?" Thorin asked holding my wrist. "Leading them away from my friends. Why is that bad?" I asked curios as to why that would be a bad thing for me to do. "Yes! It is a bad thing we don't want you to get hurt!" Thorin argued holding my hand tightly. Reaching for my family crest I pulled it off and looped it over Thorin's head kissing the stone I set a protection blessing. Before freeing my hand and cupping Thorin's cheeks. And giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "I have been wanting to do that since I first dreamed of you, and if I am wrong to do it then I will have to live and come back to listen to your scolding." He looked like a fish out of water. But I didn't have time to stay and admire. Leaping into Tor we blasted off and off to lead the wolves away. As I rode my departure drew their attention as they were chasing me. Arrows flew from their bows some hitting me but barely braking skin, and every time they fired I would summon a lightning bolt and fry them. It wasn't until the company was cornered than I unleashed more power and smouting the enemy down. When the dwarves were safe a horn sounded it wasn't like these that I killed it was more clear and clean. Soon I was surrounded by elves. Hooking Mjölnir to my hip, I held Tor's mane in both hands, the leader seemed to automatically know I was on their side and lead me to where I hoped Gandalf would lead the others. Because I could tell all this running was for something and he always had a backup plan to the one the dwarves made.

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