Escape from S.H.I.E.L.D. & Learning about Siobhan.

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Third person's point of view.

Steve stood in the room ajoined to the operating room where Nick lay being operated on, Bucky by his side with Hill to his right when Natasha stormed in, "Is he gonna make it?" Steve shrugged, "We don't know?" Nat turned to Bucky and grabbed his arm for his attention, "Tell me about the shooter." he looked at her and swallowed a lump as he felt like he knew the shooter, but couldn't place where and it killed him, "She's fast. Strong. Had a metal arm." Natasha turned to Hill who had just hung up her phone,"Ballistics?" Hill answered but Bucky's mind was busy.

Busy picturing the blue eyes of the shooter over and over in his mind, they looked like a summer sky mixed with a thundering storm. So determined but hurt at the same time, such pain wasn't something he had seen since he'd last looked in the mirror, the colour bore a striking resemblance to Thor, which confused Bucky even more the only person that could ever possibaly have eyes like that would be Siobhan but she died, which Bucky at first thought was impossible till he remembered her telling him that while on Earth or Midguard as she said Asguardians called it, she was as human as he was.

With the small excaptions to super strenght, quicker reflecses and heightened senesces. She was basically like Steve only a few hits of magic that only hid her Asguardian outfit curtisy of her Uncle Loki, who did not take too well to her passing 70 years prior. His word to Bucky while suspended in the glass chamber where, 'Once I had claimed this puny place and came out as King, she would have been my Queen.' But at the time Bucky didn't know he was adopted so he had expressed his disguse to the words and left, leaving Fury to deal with the crazy Asguardian.

The sound of the heart monitor failing made the doctors and nurses rush about trying to bring Fury's heart back online but it wasn't working, Nat's hands on Bucky's arm were starting to hurt, so he traded his arm for his hand to which he knew he wouldn't mind letting her squeeze as she fought to hold back tears, he was startled by her hiding her face into his shoulder and instead of push her away he patted her back and stroked her hair comfortingly. He stayed with her till Steve left followed by Hill. When one of the doctors came in asking if she wanted to she the body one last time she nodded.

"Barnes..." she had said, making the tall man look down at her, "Come with me." her words didn't sound like an order more like a plea and he did, if not to show support then he didn't know why else. She stood with her hand locked around his own while Steve leaned on the wall, Hill was back on the phone making preperations for the deceased Director. When she had come back in she spoke to Steve, and Bucky could hear even if it were just a low whisper, "I need to take him." Steve nodded and gestured for Bucky to bring Natasha away, and the brunet gave the red head's hand a squeeze, letting her know it was time to go.

Giving Fury's head a soft touch with her free hand she said her final good-bye before releasing Bucky's hand and storming out of the room. Steve chased after her and he stayed in the doorway giving the two a chance to talk, until Rumlow came over and spoke to him, "Sargent, they want you and Cap back at S.H.I.E.L.D." Bucky nodded, "yeah, give us a second." Bucky said walking over to Steve, just as Rumlow said back, "They want you now." nodding Steve answered this time, "Okay." Rumlow went back to the other S.T.R.I.K.E. members and Nat smriked at Steve. "You're a terrible liar." Walking away Steve and Bucky could hear Rumlow speaking with someone from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bucky grabbed Steve shoulder and whispered, "They cannot fine that on us, hide it somewhere and we'll come back for it." Steve nodded and while everyone wasn't looking stuck it into the vending machine as far back as he could put it in the Hubba Bubba gum line. When he was sure no one would get it he and Bucky went over to Rumlow and they left.


Arriving at HQ, both Steve and Bucky changed into their uniforms and went to the office of Alexander Pierce. As the two men were coming Agent 13 was leaving. Steve's greeting was harsh and cold while all she got from Bucky was a barely noticable nod, "Oh, Captain, Sargent. I'm Alexander Pierce." the older man with greying blond hair said, his brown grey eyes glinting at them from behind black rimmed glasses, as they shook hands. "Sir, it's an honor." Pierce shook his head. "the honor's mine. My father served in the 101st. Come on in." stepping into the office, Steve sat with the man while Bucky sat in the other chair by the door.

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