Saving Bucky.

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Third Person's Point Of View.

For over an hour Siobhan paced thinking of a way to get to the enemy base, but she didn't need to think anymore as Steve came out of nowhere and yanked her after himself and Peggy. On his head was one of the blue helmets from the dance girls. His ever popular A with the blue background. "Steve?" Siobhan called as he tugged on her wrist, his hold strong and but tender. "We're going to save the captured men in the enemy base." those words alone got her on board with no problem.


Sitting in Howard's plane, he was flying the duo, into Krausberg. Peggy explained that the HYDRA base was there. She said where it was positioned on the map, Steve while he got ready watched intently while Siobhan couldn't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time, her nerves racked and worn down as she couldn't stop her mind for coming up with all kinds of scenarios that evolved Bucky and the men that she trained. "Siobhan, please stop pacing, it's making me nervous." turning on Steve she glared, "Not till they're safe and he's in my arms." sighing he nodded and turned back to Peggy.

Everything said in between Peggy, Steve and Howard was like white noise to Siobhan. Receiving a device to signal their position, the plane was shot at, causing it to shake and wobble. Siobhan, seeing the danger this was putting the two mortals in rushed to the door and flung it open, her shield and sword strapped to her arm and her sword, for the time being secured to her hip, as the parachute was buckled to her back and around her legs. "Get back here! we're taking you all the way in!" Peggy shouted at Siobhan and Steve as the two stood by the door. "As soon as we're clear you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!" Steve shouted.

"You can't give me orders!" she yelled at him, but he countered, "The hell I can't! I'm a captain!" he shouted before the two of them leapt out the door. Peggy watched waiting for their chutes to show before she closed the door and turned to Howard telling him to take them back.


On the ground and jogging discreetly through the woods, Siobhan and Steve looked for the base, it didn't take long to find it as it was lit up with a lot of search lights and had many guards patrolling, Siobhan noticing an approaching envoy of HYDRA trucks the duo, waited till the last car before running after it and jumping in. Staring into the masked faces of two HYDRA men, Steve chuckled, "Fellas." in the blink of an eye, Siobhan had them killed and Steve and threw them out of the truck.

Sitting in the back of the truck as it pulled in Steve sat crouched by the entrance and when the flap opened a HYDRA man got rammed in the face shooting him into the warehouse. Jumping out the two of them fled away from the unloading HYDRA soldiers. Ducking behind tanks and walking around Siobhan tapped Steve on the shoulder, "we should split up, we'll cover more ground that way." nodding they split up, finding a way inside, Siobhan, found the small labs, carefully opening each door she looked for anything that would help.

Finding a room with maps and other such things, Siobhan pulled out her paper and pencil and wrote down everything she saw, soft moaning and mumbling from a few rooms over caught her attention, following the sounds, Siobhan opened the door softly and found a man, strapped down, his eyes were dazed over and his lower face was covered in stubble but, Siobhan could see it was her Bucky, rushing to his side she tore off the straps and cupped his face, "Bucky--" "How did you get in here?!" spinning around she came face to face with Dr. Zola. He stared at her, wondering how she had gotten past all the cameras and guards.

Distracted by Bucky coming to, something hit her in the neck, pulling it out with a shaky hand, she frowned at the single needle with three vials in it, now empty. "That was our strongest dosage." Zola said with a smoking tranquilizer gun in his hand, dropping the vials she crushed them under her boot. The action scared Zola, and she advanced on him. "Little human you have no idea who you are dealing with." Shuddering, something down the hall caught his attention, panicking even more he took off before Siobhan could grab him.

Suddenly Steve came into the room and hugged her in relief. "I found him." she gasped out and rushed back to the table. Bucky was struggling to sit up, and almost toppled out of the bench he was in, he would have fallen had Siobhan not caught him. "Steve?" Bucky mumbled when his big blue eyes landed on the taller man, "Yeah it's me, Buck. It's me." Looking at Siobhan, Bucky frowned, "Who--?" "It's me, Bucky, Siobhan." a small smirk crossed his lips when he recognized her even in the outfit. Grabbing him, she told Steve to lead the way, with her arms wrapped around Bucky she kept him close.

"What happened to him?" Bucky asked his voice and breath fanning Siobhan's face and neck, "He joined the army." She said with a chuckle, "Did it hurt?" Bucky asked Steve, "A little." "Is it permanent?" Steve chuckled, "So far." Bucky chuckled and clung to Siobhan. "I missed you, Doll." smiling she looked up at him, "I missed you too, love." climbing down stairs the trio came to a cat walk. Overlooking the factory, things started to blow up. Climbing up the next level, they looked for a way across. Finding a bridge, the trio raced for it. "Captain and Lady America! How exciting! I am a great fan of your films!" Schmidt said walking onto the bridge.

"So, Dr. Erskine managed it after all, not exactly an improvement, but still impressive." the pair walked closer to each other as Schmidt spoke, getting close enough Steve punched Schmidt in the face, "You've got no idea." Steve said his voice deep and angry. Looking at Schmidt his face seemed miss matched but the man physically reminded Siobhan of Lord Elrond the young elf from Rivendell, in everything but attitude and soul this creature looked and sounded like Elrond, it was like she was seeing people from her past. As Schmidt pulled his fist back he taunted, "Haven't I?" and punched Steve's shield, leaving a fist sized dent.

Drawing his gun, Steve tried to shoot but Schmidt hit him and he fell back, loosing his gun in the process. Advancing on Steve, Siobhan made sure Bucky was stable before jumping in to help, standing over Steve she swung her own punches and attacks, but on one swing, Schmidt knocked Siobhan's helmet clean off, exposing her face and her identity. Gasping Schmidt looked at her, "They do exist." About to hit him again they were suddenly pulled apart.

"No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!" Ripping off his face, he tossed it into the fire, exposing his true face and the red skin that coated the bone and muscles of his face. Bucky standing next to the two heroes asked, "You don't have one of those, do you?" Siobhan set her hand on Bucky's shoulder and he took comfort, "you are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality, you are just afraid to admit we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!" finally saying something after this whole ordeal Steve shouted, "Then how come you're running?" But Schmidt didn't say anything and just left with Zola.

Shielding Bucky from anything Siobhan used her shield to protect the two of them. Steve looking about found a doorway and a steel beam to walk across, "Come on!" Steve called and Siobhan kept Bucky in between her and Steve as they raced up the stairs. Getting to the beam, Steve had Bucky go first, making his way across safely Siobhan went next, but another explosion made the beams weak and start to collapse, when they gave way she leapt across and Bucky pulled her over, "Gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky shouted, "Just go! Get out of here!" Gripping the rail Bucky shook his head,

"No! Not without you!!" "Steve! you don't find a way over soon, I'll come back over there and kick your ass!" Siobhan shouted and Steve chuckled nervously. Seeing him bend a bar, she quickly moved Bucky and drew her sword, cutting the bars on their side she made enough room for her to catch Steve when he jumped. Backing up as far as he could go, he looked hesitant. Shaking his head, he ran and jumped before he could talk himself out of it.

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