New Jersey & New Assignment.

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Bucky's point of view.

Parking the car, the three of us got out and followed Natasha as she lead us to an Apple store, as we walked quickly she spoke softly, "First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk." Steve and I kept looking around hoping that our disguises would hold out, "If we run in these shoes, they're going to fall off." I said as we were walking by a fountain. Standing in the Apple store, Nat explained to me what was on the drive while Steve kept an eye out, "The drive had a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up S.H.I.E.L.D. will know exactly where we are." I nodded, my own black rimmed glasses slipping down my noes.

"How much time do we have?" I asked leaning further in to inspect the screen and to further hide my face, "About nine minutes from..." she said and when she plugged in the key she finished, "" Steve kept watching the door while Natasha said the Nick was right about the ship, and that someone was trying to hide something. "This thing is prtected by some sort of AI. It keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands." Straightening up a bit, I asked, "can you override it?" she gave me a maybe nod, "the person who developed this is slightly smarter than me, slightly." she added trying to make herself feel better. Or to stop us from judging before we even tried.

"I'm gonna try running a tracer, this is a program that S.H.I.E.L.D. developed to track hostile malware. So if we can't read the file maybe we can find out where it came from." Nat said as she typed away, suddenly a store employee came over, "Can I help you with anything?" Steve kept his eyes locked on the main entrance while Nat and I dealt with the nosey employee, "oh, no my fiancée and his brother were just helping me with some honeymoon destinations." She said leaning over my shoulder and getting all cutesy. I gave a fake happy smile and went along with it, "Right, we're getting married." the guy nodded, "Congradulations. Where are you guys thinking about going?" Looking over my shoulder to the computer I said the location on the screen.

"New Jersey." the guy gave out a deep giggle, looking in between the computer and him, he looked at me like he recognized me and I kinda panicked a bit, but what he said next calmed me significantly, "I have the exact same glasses." I faked mild amusment, when Nat spoke scarastically from behind me, "Wow, you two are practically twins." the employee scoffed, "Yeah, I wish." holding his hands out I looked at him slightly weirded out, "Specimen. If you guys need anything, I've been Aaron." I nodded and he walked off, turning to Nat I hissed under my breath, "I hate you right now." she giggled and patted my back.

"You said nine minutes. Come on." Steve said trading places with me, shushing him she told him to relax. Steve seemed to recognize the place and she asked it he did to which he relied that he used to, pulling out the key she wiped the computer and we left, we walked with her in between us as Steve pointed out the pairs of S.T.R.I.K.E. members walking around. "If they make us, Buck and I will engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro." Steve said trying to plan way too much, "Shut up and put you arm around her and laugh at something she said." I snapped and as the pair walked by we casually hunched and laughed, while Steve had his arm around Nat.

Noticing Rumlow coming right at us Nat turned to Steve and told him to kiss her and I turned to a pretty lady behind me I made sure my back was too Rumlow, before I said, "Miss, I been here all day and have seen you more than four time and I have got to say you are by far the prettiest girl here, my I give you a kiss?" she blushed stuttered and nodded, leaning in I tucked my face into her hair and gave her a kiss on the cheek. When Rumlow passed, I pulled away and kiss her hand before leaving with Steve and Nat who stared at me with hanging jaws, "What I wasn't going to kiss either of you so don't look at me like that." Getting over it we left.


Now in a metalic blue pickup truck I hotwired, we were driving to Jersey. Nat sat in the back again our shields beside her as she spoke with Steve, "Where did Sargent America learn how to steal a car?" Looking at her from the review I rolled my eyes a bit, "Your so full of questions aren't you, Ms. Romanoff." she raised her brows still waiting for an answer, sighing I said it, "Nazi, Germany, and we're borrowing." seeming to have stopped with the 20 questions for me she turned to Steve. "All right, I have a question for you, which you do not have to answer." he looked at her quickly before giving me a 'Help Me' look to which I ignored.

"I feel like, if you don't answer it though, you're kind of answering it, you know." Getting annoyed he snapped a bit, "What?" answering quick she asked, "Was that your first kiss since 1945?" rubbing his face Steve groaned, "That bad, huh." Nat shook her head, "I didn't say that." he chuckled a bit. "Well, it kind of sounds like that's what your saying." She shook her head again, "No, I didn't, I was just wondered how much practice you've had." I had been struggling the whole time trying to hold in my laughter until it was too much. Bursting out I felt like my gut was gonna explode as to how hard I was laughing.

It was so bad I had to pull over for a moment t collect myself. "Buck you alright?" Steve asked patting my back. I waved him off taking in weezing breaths, almost five minutes later I could breath properly and we wer back on the road. Pulling up to the base, I offered to stay with the car, there was no way I wanted to go in there and relive old memories, and Steve could see it too and let me sit in the car to keep watch.

Almost an hour and a half later, a missle was shot onto the base, having paniced I got out of the car and went to inspect the recage, calling out to Steve I found him and Nat in a tent of rocks helping Steve out he passed me an unconsious Natasha. Running we raced back to the car before the TAC team showed up, and Steve told me where to drive. Driving through the night we came to Sam's house, as Steve told me. We went around back to avoid being seen and Steve knocked on the door.


Third person's point of view.

The Winter Soldier, sat in the dark of Alexander Pierce's home, the man had come into the kitchen for a drink as she sat at the table, her gun and a knife sitting close to the man who was her handler the weapons in his reach to use if she were to snap and attack him, it was only then when he set the carton of milk on the counter that he saw her; her hair gave off a little hint to her being there but all the black she wore did it's job of hidding her, from view. Pierce let the fridge close as he stared at her, somehow he wasn't scared of her skills as an assasin it was her looks that startled him most times.

She had haunting blue eyes, that most times if you stared into for too long felt like they would suck out your soul, her pale hair had darkened since he last saw her, it wasn't pale blonde almost sliver but a dark almost honey golden blonde. The sound of Renata-Pierce's house maid- drew his attention thankfully from the dangerous woman to the one leaving, "I'm going to go, Mr. Pierce. You need anything before I leave?" she asked, staying near the front door, "No...uh, it's fine, Renata, you can go home."the man said wanting to get rid of her quickly.

"Okay, night-night." she called back and Winter Soldier looked back to Pierce for her next assignment. "Want some milk?" he asked, as if she would answer, she never took her eyes off him as he moved about his kitchen fixing himself his drink, while pouring he spoke. "The timetable has moved. Our window is limited, two targets, Level Six. They already cost me Zola. I want confirmed death in 10 hours." The Winter Soldier had already heard the woman come back in and as the words left his mouth her eyes flickered to the door as Renata stepped into the frame.

"Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I..." she had started but trailed off when she saw Winter Soldier. As Pierce turned to her she looked at him and finished, "I forgot my phone." Winter Soldier just sat there not saying a word as Pierce grabbed her gun off the table and shot the woman, she didn't even flinch at the sound of the body hitting the floor. Turning back to the blonde woman, Pierce handed back her gun and she took it slipping it into her holster and stood up, slipping her mask on as she stood, "Head out I'll have someone else deal with this." He said only to realize she had already left, and he had been talking to himself.

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