Trolls and Lightning.

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Thordis's POV

Stopping after a few more days on the road we came to an empty and burnt down farm house. Thorin and Gandalf stood in the house talking. After a few angry gestures Gandalf stomped over to me. "Watch them." I nodded and he rode off, shaking my head after him, I sighed in annoyance. "What did he say to you?" I looked over my shoulder, "He just told me to keep my eyes open." he nodded and sat on the rock behind me. Cleaning out Tor's hooves my hair was getting in the way, "here, finish that hoof and I'll fix your hair." I nodded and finished. I glad it was the last one anyway. Dusting off my hands I sat up and removed my helmet.

Warm hands pulled all my hair behind me, and it was pulled and braided back. When he finished I turned a bit. "Thanks Thorin." he looked a little red in the cheek area but I brushed it off. "Hey, I'm going to ride around a bit before diner if you need me shout." he opened his mouth to speak but I had already jumped up onto Tor's back and was riding along the treelines.


Thorin's POV

I watched as she rode off, her newly braided hair billowing out behind her, along with her long red cape. "what's wrong Laddie?" Dwalin said to my right, I shrugged. Her leaving bothered me, but I didn't know why. The feeling of loosing someone important sent painful chills down my spine. "It seems like you've taken a special liking to the woman, I've never seen you like this. It's nice." he finished the walked off back to the others to help with setting up. About half way through dinner and she still hadn't shown up. Having finished my food already I was just about to get up and get her, but Fili ran out of the trees shouting "Trolls! Trolls have Bilbo!" Thordis temporarily forgotten we all ran out to save our useless hobbit.


Probably the worse thing we could have done. Now tied up on either a fiery spit or in sacks waiting for our turn we waited for our death. 'if you need me just shout.' her words rang in my head, looking at everyone shouting and at the Hobbit, I let loose one single shout, it was slightly louder than everyone else but I hoped it worked. "Thordis!!" there was a silence as we waited for some sign that she was going to help. Just when I was going to give up hope, a bolt of lighting came out of the sky and roasted one of the trolls. Everyone watched wide-eyed, as the singed and burnt body of the troll fell over and lay still.

And before the other two could do anything two more bolts shot down and we all cheered. standing in the rising sun's light and in the last glows of her lightning, I saw her true goddess attitude. And it was breathtaking. Walking over to the spit she kicked dirt into the fire putting it out and cutting down the dwarves, then came over to us and helped us stand. Walking towards me, she grabbed the collar of the sack and pulled me up, but as she stepped back she tripped and we toppled backwards, I gave a shout of surprise as she gasped and landed under me. closing my eyes waiting for impact, it was soft and firm. Opening my eyes, they widened, as I saw we were kissing.

Pulling away I apologized and I was helped up by a freed Dwalin and Kili. Whispering to me Dwalin said, "Nice one, though we all hoped it would have gone down differently." Kili only nodded glaring I shouted slightly, "Would someone get me out of this thing." a now present Gandalf freed me and I stared at him, "Where did you go?" "To look ahead." I raised a brow at him, "and what brought you back?" "Looking behind." I nodded and turned to the trolls. Gandalf doing the same. "they must have come from the Ettenmoors." I frowned, "that's not possible." Gandalf nodded, "Usually yes, trolls can't travel in day-light there must be a cave somewhere." a set of footsteps turned our attention.

"I found a really stinky cave a little way aways, Tor is waiting there for me." Gandalf smiled, "Lead the way." she nodded and we were off, but thoughts of her lips on mine plagued my mind, thoughts of their warmth, and softness and the apple taste and smell, and lastly thoughts of what it would be like to do it again.

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