Captain America and Thordís.

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⚡️Thordís | Siobhan⚡️

I turned to Stark and he took Erskine from me, "I'll be back." he nodded and I took off. Taking the stairs to the roof, I used my power to release the cloaking spell I wore always to hide my armour for times like this. When I got to the roof,

I could see Steve facing off with Clemson, a taxi door in his hands as a shield. Jumping rooftops and running across buildings I jumped in just as Steve was being shot at, using my Vibranium armour, I deflected the bullets, as the guy ran off, he snagged a kid along the way.

"Who are you?" Steve asked, "Save the kid now, questions later." nodding we followed Clemson as he struggled to hold onto the kid and shoot at us, I deflected while Steve hid. The child's mother shouted for Clemson not to hurt him, and we cautiously followed him, following him to the water they stood by the edge.

Aiming the gun at the little red head, he threatened but when I stepped out, I held up my hands, "no, don't!" he aimed his gun at me and fired but it clicked empty, grunting in frustration he tossed the kid into the water, before taking off, "Steve go! I got the kid." nodding he ran off after Clemson, and I leaned over the edge to reach for the little boy.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's get you to your mommy." he smiled at me and reached for my fingers, when he got a good hold I pulled him out, still a little shaken he clutched at me and squeezed a bit as he shivered. Picking him up, I carried him back to his mommy whom hugged me after nearly hugging her son to death.

When I knew he would be safe I went back for Steve. I found him standing over the dead body of Clemson, rushing to his side, he jumped a little when I got there, kneeling by Clemson, I frowned, it was like looking at Thorin dead all over again and I hated it. Closing his eyes, I stood up and looked over Steve.

All he had was a flesh wound. Sighing in relief, I pulled off my cloak and draped it around him as he shivered a bit. "How you feeling now?" I asked, his eyes snapped to my face and recognition flickered behind his big blue eyes,

"Siob--" he started but I shushed him "Our little secret." smirking he nodded, "Um...does Bucky know?" I shook my head, "Let's keep it that way, at least until I'm ready to tell him." Steve nodded and we went back to the labs.


For almost an hour, Steve gave blood. The secret of the Serum having now been locked away in his DNA. With Erskine dead nobody knew how it was made. Stark would have to pull the samples apart to figure out the make of the serum. Rolling down his sleeve as I walked in, he muttered, "Think you got enough?"

Peggy having been in the room to watch, answered, "Any hope of reproducing the program is locked away in your genetic code, but without Dr. Erskine it would take years." I patted his back as Peggy spoke to him, "He deserved more than this." I nodded he watched me through the mirror.

"If it could work only once, he'd be proud it was you." Turning he smiled sadly and gave me a quick hug before leaving with Peggy, clutching the sink, I shook off a dizzy spell, not using my skills or powers for over a year and a half made me slightly woozy. I would need to fix that. Going back out to the others,

Steve had just offered up his services to fight. "You're an experiment. You're going to Alamogordo." Stepping up to him he looked at me before turning back to Philips, "The serum worked." "I asked for an army and all I got was you. Now if you can find that superwoman in the red cape then I'll think about it, but right now you are not enough." Philips snapped.

"Then think about it, because she's here." I said, Steve wanted to do this so I was going to help him every step of the way. "What are you talking about Siobhan?" [sigh] stepping back I released my cloaking and revealed my armour. "Oh, well. then your going with him." pulling the cloaking back on,

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