Goblin-Town & Orc Pack.

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About to leave the Elven Kingdom, I was forced to leave Tor, but not before writing a note and giving it to a stable hand to give to Aragorn, along with my family crest pendent. Kissing Tor on the nose good-bye I asked him to keep Aragorn safe until we see each other again. He tossed his head in understanding and I ran off after the others. Going into the wild. We walked for hours before reaching a mountain pass called The Misty Mountains. On a narrow pass, in the pouring rain and thunder and lightning we walked hugging the walls, I stayed in the back to make sure the Dwarves were ahead of me. When we realized that we were in fact on stone giants in the middle of battle, I shattered any boulders from hitting us. And took a bolt or two of lighting for some of them.

But when the stone giant we were on starting to move it separated us, myself Bilbo, Kíli and some five others swung and passed across from the front part of the company names were shouted in the thunderous rain, but as our giant started falling to its death it's knees moved to crush us against the wall ahead of the others. Waiting for impact, all we got was bumps and scrapes. And as we lay in heaps on the ground I jumped up to count and make sure everyone was safe. When we were shy one I spun around looking. "Bilbo!!" I shouted "help!" Running to the ledge he hung there. Barely holding on.

When the others noticed they tried to grab him but he slipped and caught another ledge. Jumping over the edge I grabbed him with one arm and tossed him back up, but lost my grip in the process. About to use Mjölnir to get back up someone shot their hand out and caught my wrist. Then another reached out and grabbed me until I was on the somewhat solid ground. Breathing heavily I rubbed my sore shoulder and about to stand I was pulled into a wet, strong hug. "Are you alright?" Thorin asked I nodded into his shoulder and he pulled away to look me in the eye. "Good, let's go." Getting up, I stumble a little and I look down to see a cut, it started from the top of my knee to about half way up my thigh. It doesn't hurt and it isn't deep but it's a nuisance. "Are you alright?" Looking to see who asked I smiled. "Yes, thank you for asking Kíli." He nodded obviously unsure of my answer but didn't seem to want to pressure me which I was glad about.


Inside of a cave, Thorin asked Dwalin to check the backs. Just incase of something hiding in it. When nothing was found Thorin denied a fire and told everyone to rest. Sitting on one of the large rocks I sat up with Bofur on watch duty. I watched as Bilbo forgot I was seated where I was and packed his things and prepared to leave. I even watched his argument with Bofur. But what surprised me was the glow of his sword. Looking at it a low rumble and metal creaks filled the little cave. Jumping to my feet. I looked around.

When the floor started to split it woke Thorin who shouted for others to wake but it was too late but by the time everyone was conscious we were falling down a rocky pit. I tried making grabs for any of the Dwarves falling near me but I ended up empty handed. When our descend ended I landed and was squashed by several others, one though; that pleased me was Thorin. When he realized he landed on me I smiled. "Hi." I greeted, "have a nice fall?" I said jokingly. He chuckled and we got up, the sound of goblins drew our attention.

Before we could even defend ourselves we were collected and shoved forward. And the goblins continued to do so as we reached a sort of defiled throne room. And with it; it's very own deformed goblin-mutant. "Who be so bold as to enter my kingdom, SPIES, THIEVES, ASSASSINS?!" Standing at the head of the company and shielding the others from this grotesque beast, it hovered its own face near mine. "Dwarves, your malevolence." One of the goblins grueled out. "Dwarves?" He asked back unbelieving, "found them on the front porch."

Rubbing its triple chin, he hummed in thought. Then looked at me. "Why is this dwarf so tall? Is it an elf?" I didn't answer and nobody else did either. The company did so to protect but the goblins didn't know either. Too tall for any of the goblins they though hitting me in the knees would work to get me to kneel to their height, and it worked, grunting in pain because of the hit and the fact that I was hurt from earlier. I was bent over in slight pain but didn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me cringe.

"Well don't just stand there! Search them, every crack, every crevasse." Goblins grabbed anything from the dwarves but none were worthy enough to take Mjölnir from me. Eventually they figured the best thing to do was separate me from the dwarves. Tying me down, they had me on my knees again and just strapped my arms to my sides. The giant goblin hobbled to me and backhanded me, head snapping to the side my helmet flew off and over the side, but it wasn't on my to-worry-list. "This one looks like elf scum but isn't. What is she?" He asked, spitting blood out of my mouth from his hit, I scoffed. He ignored me and turned back to the Dwarves. He asked questions but none of them answered then he threatened to kill me with some instrument called the Mangler which made Thorin step foreword.

I shook my head at him but that got me the butt end of a spear to the face, he growled at the goblin and was silenced the goblin sent a messenger out to some Pale Orc creature, as they waited on this instrument of torture it sang and danced, and every time he would shout at one of his little ugly beasts it would whip me across the back with a clawed whip. It tore up my back because they ripped off my cloak and armour chest and back plates. Every time the whip hit me I would flinch, cringe and gasp out in pain.

It was excruciating even more so when they got places already marked and it broke my heart that they made Thorin and the others watch. A sudden screech echoed through the throne area and the giant goblin shouted and reared up into his chair I don't know what he was pointing at but then he started shouting for his minions to kill Thorin, and cut off his head.

That didn't stand with me. They could hurt me and whip me and attack me. But they were not going after him or his company. Pushing free of my tiny captors I pulled my hands apart from the post they were bound to, and picked up Mjölnir from my hip. Twirling it rapidly by the leather strap on the end of the handle I created lightning swinging towards the giant goblin I struck him under the chin shocking him and sending him flying over the edge of the platform. Just as Gandalf arrived. I smiled at him in relief and he shouted at the others to fight. Thorin and some of the other now armed Dwarves took it upon themselves to create a small circle around my spot by the railing next to Gandalf." Kneeling near me he picked up my red cloak and wrapped it around my chest and back as a make-shift bandage, and held it secure with my armour.

"I'm okay, I'll be fine." I said panting a little. "You better be, or I'll never hear the end of it." I chuckled and stood up, Mjölnir tight in my hand. Slipping my fingers into the leather strap I swung him around creating lightning. Electrocuting everything not Dwarf, and Wizard we started to run. Almost collapsing twice to save one or more of the dwarves I now hung off of Thorin's shoulders as he pulled me towards the now bright and visible exit. I was never more relived to see the open sky.

Stumbling out my feet missed the out pushed rock and gravel and I fell. Not without accidentally pulling Thorin with me, landing on my back with him then on top of me, put pressure on my back and the whip cuts that the creatures of Goblin-town left. "Oh! Dís! I am so sorry!" He apologized. I waved him off and stood up, and helped me up in the process. "Where is our Hobbit! Where is Bilbo!" Gandalf roared.

Looking around I couldn't see him. As I looked around the dwarves bad-mouthed him, and I was getting very irritated. About to yell, my back spazed up and I dropped to a knee. "Dís!!" Thorin yelled running to my side, "no go! Leave me!" I gasped out, as a now present Bilbo and Thorin tried to pull me to my feet. "No! I will not leave you behind!" The roar of wargs said different, "Thorin, I've got her go! Everyone run!" Gandalf said, pulling me up and wrapping my arm around his shoulders and he forced me to run with him and the others.

Getting my balance back I ran on my own, jumping over a raised stone and a few feet Bilbo followed only to be pinned down by a warg, he killed it and I ran back to free him. Running him to a tree I picked him up and put him in the highest branch I could reach. Running around for a few seconds I made sure that everyone was up and in trees, standing near the first downed warg I counted one last time, before I was about to run for a tree myself, but Thorin's cry of warning was too late because I was suddenly in the jaws of a white warg.

He was a big beast, with coal black eyes, shaking his head, I whipped back and forth and his fangs plunged into me and through my armour. With Mjölnir I struck him in the snout. In mid swing I had hit him and when he let go I was flung off the cliff and I was plunged into the open air bellow. I caught sight of Thorin's tortured blue eyes staring at my falling form before everything went dark.


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