Team Cap vs Team Iron.

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Thordis' point of view.

I really didn't want to wear that suit again, but it was made to work with me, so I put it on. Not caring about who saw what while I changed, I turned to everyone when I was done. They looked at me with slack jaws and wide eyes, "Don't look at me like that, there would have been no room for me to change in either of your lunch box sized cars and it would have taken up too much time." shaking their heads they rushed to change and as Steve said suit up.

As Bucky finished he looked at the shield in his hands before holding it out to me, I smiled and shook my head, "Nope, I told you Lady America is dead, it belongs to you now." nodding he hook it to his arm and we split up to distract the other Avengers. Bucky and I along with Sam were on one of the floor inside, when Sam found the jet he told Steve, and then everything went into motion.

We race around the floor we were on heading to the jet in one of the hangers. When something landed on the windows, I asked, "What the hell was that?" still running Sam said, "Everyone's got a gimmick now." running a few more feet the red and blue person crashed onto the floor, kicking Sam out of the way before moving in on me and Bucky. Bucky swung at him and the guy ducked, taking this chance to hit him, he caught my fist and held it back with ease, "You have a metal arm?! That is awesome, lady." he exclaimed in awe, seeing that the strength of the metal alone wouldn't be enough.

I enforced it with some of my god strength that seemed to return to me when I got my memories back. Pulling back I grinned and punched him sending him back and right into Sam who flew off with him and struggled to keep his grip and lost hold after a few minutes. Racing after the two of them, I pushed Bucky behind a pillar after throwing something big and heavy at the kid, "Hey lady! I think you lost this!" about to look Bucky yanked me back and it crashed into the pillar we hid behind.

Pinning Sam, the kid started chatting him up, "those wings carbon fiber?" Sam looked at the webbing and frowned, "Is this stuff coming out of you?" but the kid didn't answer like how Sam didn't answer him, "That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which I gotta say, pretty awesome, man." Looking at the kid Sam glared through his red tinted goggles, "I don't know if you've been in a fight before kid, but there's usually not this much talking." apologizing the kid shot more webbing and aimed to kick Sam.

But Bucky and I ran in the way I was going to use my arm but Bucky used his shield but we were all hit, landing on the ground, Sam was pinned with his arms across his chest, Bucky's shield fell from his hands and they were webbed over his head while my metal arm was webbed down. "Guys look, I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry." About to web us again. Sam used his little flying bot and flew the kid out the window.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" I said sourly, "I hate you." Sam groaned back, while Bucky chuckled. "Okay so how do we get out of this shit?" Sam asked, "Doll can you reach my ankles?" Looking up to him I nodded, "Yeah," "Okay there's a knife in my boot grab it and cut yourself free then help us." I giggled and did just that, when we were on our feet we started to move again, running we met up with the others and picked up the speed as much as we could, running with Steve and Bucky in the lead with me right behind them with Sam. Clint with Wanda and Scott right behind him.

Pulling up short when a beam of power came down, we stopped and I looked up to see what or who had stopped us, seeing a floating man with red and silver skin looked down on us, but it was the stone in his head that surprised me most. "You have the Mind Stone." his eyes locked on me, "How do you know about this?" the others seemed to want to know too, but now wasn't the time, "sorry maybe after, if we survive that is." turning back to the floating man he addressed Steve and Bucky.

Gods, Dwarves, Elves and Heroes Oh My! (Hobbit/LotR & Marvel Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum