Meeting of the upmost Importance?

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Thordis's POV

As I felt my descend near, I readied Mjölnir to soften my landing. Seeing the ground closing up, I braced my legs and landed with a thundering boom. As the Bifrost's power faded I was left standing in a meadow. The grass was green and long reaching to my knees, my cape lay sprawled over the tops of the grass like water, looking around all the trees were beautiful and strong. The soft snort of what I'm only guessing to be an animal sounded a few feet from me, turning slowly, I looked at the creature. Oh and it was magnificent. Tall and graceful, a lush caramel brown with spots of white and grey, his -I'm assuming- horns or antlers were ivory and entangled with rings of pink blossoms and baby's breath.

His dark eyes held wisdom and respect, kneeling before him, he noticed me, watching me he saw I posed no threat and took long soft strides towards me.

Setting Mjölnir down I raised my hands to him, he sniffed my palm before pressing his snout into it

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Setting Mjölnir down I raised my hands to him, he sniffed my palm before pressing his snout into it. Giggling I rubbed his face and softly patted his neck. After few minutes he turned away and I knew he had to be on his way, as did I. Picking up my hammer, I walked with the blowing wind, to see where it would take me. I got a few hundred leagues unbothered and unthreatened. I was content with it, but it would soon be interrupted but the shouts of battle. Running to the war cries.

I came to a worn-down road, scattered with the dead bodies of disfigured creatures. Remembering the books I had read about them I now remembered them as Orcs and others more wolf-like Wargs. 8 Dwarves and a tall man in grey ran around fighting with anything they had, most had knives, swords and axes. But a young one had a sling-shot by the looks of it. All of the others seemed to be distracted but the fighting around them to notice one of the rider-less Wargs sneaking up on the young dwarf. snapping into action, I spun my hammer before whipping it at the beast. Hitting it square in the head it dropped dead.

As the last of the enemies was already dead, that last Warg would have gotten away with killing their friend. The one I saved seemed to notice and nudged his friends for their attention. I had thrown Mjölnir in the darkness of the trees, but he now sat in the dirt waiting for me to claim him. But a bout of bashfulness seemed to overwhelm me. The 8 dwarves inspected my weapon in awe, being hammer, club and axe users they were amazed in the craftsmanship of my Mjölnir. Slowly but still shy I stepped out of the bushes. I must have hidden my uncertainty well, because one look at me and these dwarves were on edge again.

I raised my hands out in front of me, to show no weapons. "Who are you?" one grunted, he had fiery red hair and matching beard. His beard seemed to be the only this with silver beads in it. By the sides of his cheeks were three braids each, followed, by one single one under it. In his chin hair was a diamond shaped formation. His glared seemed to intensify when I didn't answer. "Easy Glóin, it's safe to say she will not harm anyone here." the red head looked up at their tall companion. "Because it was her that threw the hammer that saved young Ori here." said young one walked over to my hammer most likely to bring it to me.

Failed to even move it. "Dori, help me it's heavy." he grunted. The dwarf called walked over to Ori and 'helped' to pick it up, but it still wouldn't move. "Um...guys..." I said but they didn't hear me, sighing, I waited till all of them had a shot at trying to pick up Mjölnir panting and laying on the ground, I raised my hand and focused on the hammer. Within seconds he was in the air and soring to my hand. They all looked at me many emotions and expressions passed in their minds and on their faces. One of them with a funny hat sat up and looked at me, "How did you do that?" looking from the spot Mjölnir was in to where he was now, I gasped lightly.

"Oh you mean, call Mjölnir to me? it's easy, I just focus on him and-"Wait did you saw Mjölnir?" an older Dwarf with a hearing trumpet said. I looked at him and nodded. "Come here child." I chuckled. He only looked at me strangely. "Sorry." I apologized and walked over to him. He barely reached my shoulder. Being 5'10" I was taller than most of these dwarves. But the Grey man was still taller than me. Maybe two less than my father. "Child what is your name, we wish to thank our savor." smiling I nodded. "My name is Thordis, but you can call me Dis if you like. And please stop calling me 'child' you do not know my age, for all you know I could be older than you." gasping he bowed in apology and I accepted with a smile. Whispering among themselves I heard, 'her name sound familiar.'

Before turning to the Grey man I asked, "Mister, is there something special going on right now?" he raised his brow at me, "What ever do you mean?" I giggled "It's just that, a pack of beasts only hunt or attack for three reasons, one- they need food, two- they were provoked, and three- they were released to hunt." he smirked at me. "I just found the 15th member of this company." now it was my turn to be confused. I opened my mouth to ask why but I was cut off by the dwarf in the funny hat. "We learn to go with it lass." I nodded and they lead me to the place I recognized as the Shire.

"Misters, I don't even know your names." as they walked ahead of me I got a name from each, "Ori, thank you for saving me." I nodded and he went off, "His brother Dori. Double thanks." I giggled and shook his hand, a dwarf with slightly crazy hair and an axe shard in his skull came over and told me his name in Kazadul. And even added in a complement about my hair being more beautiful than the sun. I kissed him on the forehead, "Thank you Bifur." he smiled wildly and took off. "Bofur and you are one beautiful woman, though you don't look Elvish or look Dwarvish you seem to have the best of both." I patted his shoulder and thanked him.

"I'm Glóin, and I'm sorry about shouting at you earlier, Miss. Dis." I smiled softly, "It was no problem, even in normal conversation, I'm used to the yelling. my family and friends are very loud in their merry making." he nodded and joined the others. "Bomber, at your service, if ever you need a snack holler." I nodded and accepted an apple from him. "Miss. Dis, hello. I am Nori, and I have a question." I looked at the dwarf, as he bashfully twiddled his thumbs. "What color are your eyes? we can't see them very well." I chuckled. "Worry not once indoors, my manners will kick in and I will remove my helmet." he nodded and ran over to the others with a shrug as the other groaned in disappointment.

"I am Oin, the healer of this company. Though I'm going deaf you might have to either speak up or talk very carefully." I nodded and shook his head. Turning the Grey man I waited, "And I am Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey, thank you for your assistance earlier. But it seems as though we have arrived." Looking at the round green door I smiled it was cute and quaint. "Mr. Gandalf, will I be needing a horse for this expedition?" the man nodded and I smiled. "I will be back in an hour tops." he nodded and I walked off to find myself a horse. "Oh and Miss. Dis please don't be late, this is a Meeting of the upmost Importance." I nodded and walked faster.

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