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Third person's point of view.

Hydra men stood guard in front of a cryo-prison, when their boss came in and opened up the doors to the cell, the prisoner inside...the infamous Winter Soldier. Her face pale from the cryo-freeze and her lips almost breaching on blue from the cold. Her eyes closed, it has been a long while since she had been woken and it was time for her to do a new mission, opening the tube she stood there held up by straps and wires, two scientist unstrapping and taking out the wires and tubes they dragged her off to do the usual procedures.

Sitting in the chair, her screams could be heard all though out the base, as the agents updated the programing they put into her, her long blonde hair was plastered to her face and neck with sweat as she screamed and held back thrashes of pain as the electricity pulsed through her whole body, panting heavily the Winter Soldier took a breath as the electrocuting stopped for a moment, "Тоска(longing)." as the man walked around the chair it's head set released Winter's head and she shook it to get rid of some of the pain.

"Ржавый(Rusted), семнадцать(seventeen), Рассвет(daybreak), Печь(furnace), девять(nine), Доброкачественный(benign), возвращение домой(homecoming), один(one), грузовой автомобиль(freight car)." when the man finished Winter was calm and complicit she watched the man like a hawk waiting for orders in which she would mindlessly comply to. "Доброе утро, солдат(Good morning, soldier.)." Karpov said, "Готовы выполнить.(ready to comply.)" she said as Karpov knew she would.

"У меня есть для тебя миссия.(I have a mission for you)." Karpov said holding a file in his hand, "Санкции и выписки. Свидетелей нет.(sanction and extract. No witnesses.)" Karpov finished, while Winter continued to pant a little, without nodding she was released from the chair and brought to a room to get ready, dressed in the usual outfit that always seemed to fit no matter what, she struggled with her hair until a female guard got annoyed with her and braided it back. Winter didn't thank her and just left.

Parked on a hill where her target was supposed to pass through she watched as a car passed and from the make model and color it was what was written in her file. Starting up her bike she drove out of her spot and followed the car, staying close behind it, before driving right up to the passenger side and tossing in a smoke bomb and going a head to park and watch the car crash, pulling back around she stopped behind the car and popped the trunk and pulled out a suit case with five bags of some blue liquid.

Returning to the base she handed it over to her handler and he nodded approvingly, "Молодец, солдат.(Well done, Soldier.)" looking up from the case, her mouth was turned down in a tight line.


Gods, Dwarves, Elves and Heroes Oh My! (Hobbit/LotR & Marvel Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن