Chapter 47 🌙

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Tsunade scoffs at that "And what? You think she's going to come here where she'll be locked up? Rogue ninja of her caliber don't just run back home for protection, even under my jurisdiction she'd get life by the amount of crimes she's committed." Tsunade spats out, almost angry at the situation that Haru tangled herself in.

"Rogue ninja of her caliber?! You'd put your own cousin under a life sentence?!" Naruto nearly screams, appalled by the sayings of the hokage. Suddenly her fist comes raging down and the desk is split in two "I'd never do that Naruto. But do you realize how many people in who have power want her dead?!" Tsunade rages, silencing the office room tremendously.

"She's a big girl who can fend off anyone she needs to fend off, the odds of her coming back here on her own jurisdiction is zero to none." Tsunade says, narrowing her eyes at both of the ninja.

Jiraiya sighs "If she does end up joining Sasuke, we could kill two birds with one stone."


"Karin was a subordinate of Orochimaru, a former kunoichi of kusagakure, and a member of the Uzumaki clan. She worked for Orochimaru by helping him with his experiments and being left in charge of his Southern hideout while he wasn't there." I read aloud, my eyes scanning through her portfolio that Zetsu managed to build up when spying on her. Luckily, I got all of team Hebi's portfolios in the file that pein handed me.

I arch a brow as I stare at her picture "Is it me or is one side of her hair way shorter than the other?" I ask before picking up the paper and turning around and showing it to shinji who's laying peacefully on his bed and reading some random book. He tears his eyes away from the book and glances over at the picture, snickering the slightest bit when he does so. "Yeah, be careful Haru she may be a fangirl of your precious Sasuke!"

"He's not precious and he's not mine. Calm down." I deadpan before turning back to my desk and narrowing my eyes at her picture. She better not be a stupid fangirl. Then I'd really hate pein for putting me on a mission like this.

"Karin possesses a unique ability called the Minds eye of the Kagura , which allows her to sense any targets signature. Unlike most sensors, who normally require to mould their chakra first, Karin appears able to detect chakra targets without any conscious effort." I read aloud again before placing her paper to the side.

Hm, so she's a really good sensor ninja? Dammit. . .

"Oh my Kami don't tell me you're jealous." Shinji says, now completely forgetting his book and smirking idiotically at me. I frown and turn to him "Of course I'm not! Why would you think that?"

"The fact that you've unconsciously destroyed her paper gives it away." I arch a brow at him and look back a my desk where I find her paper in my hand, violently crumpled up and ripped to shreds. I smile awkwardly and glance back at Shinji "Its just a bad habit."

I then turn back to my desk where I pile the rest of the papers up and stack them neatly before placing them in their files. I already reviewed the three members of Team Hebi that Sasuke picked out. I must say, the three of them seem to be strong in their weird ways.

They're nothing compared to the type of people I hang out with but still, they would make fun opponents according to Zetsu's findings.

"I guess its time to go." I say before turning off the desk light. I stand up and adjust my outfit, which consists of my black crop top, black shorts, and thigh high ninja sandals. Not to mention my akatsuki cloak which is never left unbuttoned.

Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora