Chapter 25 🌙 part 2

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Recap: "I don't want to be your hokage so that you can tie me down for the most part then have me become your killing machine when needed. I'm sorry, but fuck you if you think I'd ever do that." I bluntly state.

I I have something I want to do before I leave you here though."


I take a deep sigh and close my eyes. If I were to say that leaving the village hasn't ever crossed my mind then I would be lying to myself.

A good percentage of my childhood was spent wondering what it would be like to go outside the village, wondering what it would be like to have family,wondering what it would be like to be noticed.

Looking back, it's irking to know that all the adults around me that were 'protecting me' were seriously just trying to erase me from their village so they wouldn't be in danger.

Danzo, a respected village elder, a man who's dictated my life since I was born, a man who killed my mother while she was asleep.

And for what?

Why did she have to die at the hands of our village? When Hashirama Senju founded The village I'm sure he didn't picture his grand niece being killed by one of the people in charge.

When I returned to the village I did so with a heavy heart. They didn't want me at first so why did I go back?

The only reason I returned was because of Naruto, and why the hell did I even do that?

Oh yeah, I forget. Naruto has the nine tails and I could suppress it. Sure they have Yamato but why get play around with second place when you can toy around with first?

I sigh as I look back at our memories together. I've come to the conclusion that no one was ever really on my side. Not once has Naruto defended me while up against Sakura who hated me for no valid reason where we were simply kids. Yet I still came back solely for him out of guilt. 

Kakashi sensei as well, he was admittedly sort of like a father figure to me. He didn't really do much with me as a sensei though. All he ever did was pull me away from a fight and freak out when I touched a boy.

But wait, to think of it, weren't Sakura and Naruto the reason of my early leaving of the village?


"Kakashi sensei there you are!" I hear a familiar voice say, I look over and see my three teammates walking our way. I furrow my eyebrows at this "Was there a team meeting today?" I ask, wondering why the three of them are together without me.

"Nope, we're looking for Kakashi sensei since we have a mission to do!" Sakura says, smiling at our sensei. I stand up and quickly pick up my hair in a low ponytail "Oh! I'll go home really quickly and pick up my stuff then." I say, making my way out of the booth but am instantly stopped my Sakura.

"Haru you're not coming with us remember? It's not safe for you." Sakura says placing a hand on my shoulder. Naruto comes up next to her "Yeah! You've never gone on a mission with us before so this might be too dangerous for you." Naruto says, agreeing with Sakura to which I arch my brow.

"What are you guys talking about? I've gone done missions with you before." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah but one that's out of the town? Nope." Sakura interjects. Any trace of a smile vanishing from my face


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