Chapter 25 🌙 part 1

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Recap: I pause and raise my ungloved hand to my left cheek to see some blood. I widen my eyes at the sight of my own blood and look at Sakura who seemed to have no regrets as she's now glaring at me with even more anger.

"Did you just fucking slap me?"


She seems to have no regrets as she glares at me in a fit of fury."Haru, Sakura, calm down wait-" We both ignore Yamato sensei was we glare at each other. "Have you lost your fucking mind?" I seethe narrowing my eyes at her.

Sakura seems to be barely intimidated as she comes to the realization of something. "SO HE'S THE GUY THAT ALMOST GOT YOU PREGNANT?!" She screams with tears filling her eyes. My eyes widen "PREGNANT?!" Naruto yells, also shocked and angry at the news. "Pregnant?" Orochimaru asks, but this time much calmer and more intrigued compared to the other two. I look over at Sasuke who's staring at me with wide eyes, unable to mask the surprise on his face.

"Shit happens when you're with someone for years Sakura, pregnancy scares happen." I sneer, now deciding to be childish and rubbing it in her face. "Well this took quite a turn." Kabuto says as he sits down and looks at us in interest. I narrow my eyes at her, wondering if she really just had the balls to slap me straight in the face.

She gapes at me and clenches her fists. "I should've seen it coming, you knew I loved him!" She screams as I begin to dodge her attacks. "You were twelve." I state as I dodge a punch from her. "AND?!" She screeches. I chuckle and shake my head "You really have the audacity to slap me." I say, still stuck on the fact that she actually slapped me. "You- you whore what the hell?! She screeches as Naruto just stares at me in complete shock. I think he's having trouble processing everything.

"How am I a whore?!" I ask, defending myself from the verbal abuse. "You can't just go around and get with whoever you want!" She yells making me chuckle "You're starting to sound pretty jealous there Sakura."

"You know at first I was worried about you finding out because you weren't the smartest person ever and I knew you'd do dumb shit like this, but now I'm just annoyed." I say with a click of the tongue.

Now raising her arm to slap me again out of blind rage, I grab her wrist, obviously expecting the attack, and I grab it with such force until I hear the bone crack and Sakura's kneeling down before me. Resulting in a sobbing mess. "You can't fucking touch me Sakura." I mutter before Kicking her gut harshly and seeing her fly into the wall, the walls of dirt crumpling down all over her.

I wipe my cheek with the back of my palm and shake my head. "This bitch." I mutter before running towards her. "Haru wait that's your comrade-!" Yamato sensei yells after me as I grab Sakura and pull her out of the rubble by her hair. I laugh and shake my head. "After I'm done with her she's not." I pick her up by her hair and throw her to another wall , this time the wall collapsing on top of her. Orochimaru arches a brow at my words.

I mockingly pout "Awe that's gonna hurt."

"IM SO CONFUSED!" Naruto yells, his hands running through his hair as Orochimaru chuckles. "This is going to be better than I thought."

Yamato seems to come to his senses after initial state of shock as he performs a couple of hand signs. As I stalk towards Sakura wood emerges from the ground and wraps around my legs, stoping my momentarily. "Cute." I murmur as I crystallize the wood and disperse, freeing myself in the process.

I roll my eyes as I rummage through the rubble and pick Sakura up by the front of her shirt to see her pained face gasping for air. Orochimaru chuckles as he sees this "Wow Haru, you're more troublesome than I thought." He says as Kabuto nods.

"W-WAIT SASUKE DATED HARU?!" Naruto asks, still confused as hell. He's sadly ignored as Yamato makes a bunch of handsigns. "Wood Style: dome walls!" I roll my eyes as curved wood comes up and entraps me once again. I sigh and touch the wood, merging myself through it and appearing on the top of the dome sitting with my legs crossed.

"Are you seriously using Wood style against me?" I ask, wondering if he seriously understands the degree of my abilities. I don't know if he does.

"Haru listen to me this behavior is unacceptable! I'm letting Tsunade know about this and I'm sure she won't go easy on you."

I smirk "Alright mom." I grab Sakura's throat as she flashes next to me on top of the dome. "I suggest that if you enjoy breathing you stop being so stupid." I️ drop her mercilessly as she falls on her knees, gasping quite a bit.

"Haru I know you've made mistakes but this is not how you act with team members!" Yamato sensei scolds as he looks at me with uncertainty.

I look at him with my eyebrows raised "Oh? Yamato sensei I didn't think Sakura was my team mate." I say sarcastically as I kick her ribcage resulting in her falling off the dome, Naruto managing to catch her at the last minute.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Naruto angrily asks. Hm, he seems to be processing it now.

I smile "I'm done with all of you losers."

"WHAT?!" Naruto yells, completely baffled at my choice of words. "Haru think about what you're saying here." Yamato sensei instructs with narrows eyes. Orochimaru looks at me with interest "done with them?"

I chuckles and run a hand through my hair, pushing it out of my face. "You thought I would actually say in that damned village after all the shit I found out? How dumb and weak minded do you think I am? Plus, I️ don't want to go to jail for something as stupid as this." I say, my tone shifting from sarcastic to angry towards the end of that sentence.

Sasuke narrows his eyes at me and turns to look at Yamato, admittedly curious about what's going to happen.

"YOU'RE NOT COMING HOME?!" Naruto yells, now angrier than before. I say nothing as I️ unbutton my cloak and reach for my headband that's wrapped around my thigh. I take the kunai and slash it, throwing it to Naruto who stumbles when catching it.

"Is that a big enough political statement for you?" I ask as I stand up slowly on top of the dome.

"Yamato sensei I've been meaning to say this for a while. I know that you know how Danzo has affected my life and you stayed quiet so for that, I'm not leaving you on good terms." I say as Yamato now looks at me seriously.

"Haru you need to think this thro-"

"I don't want to be your hokage so that you can tie me down for the most part then have me
Kill people when needed. I'm sorry, but fuck you if you think I'd ever do that." I bluntly state.

"️ I have something I️ want to do before I️ leave you here though."



Let me know how you all feel about this chapter!

It's short because there are two parts to it.

Just so you all know, Haru isn't done with Sakura lolol

What are your opinions on the way she handled Sakura?

What about Sakura exposing Haru's pregnancy scare?


What is it that Haru wants to before she leaves?

I'll see you all next chapter!

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