Chapter 52 🌙

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Authors Note: The gif above is the crystal that Haru received from Shinji (But she's going to wear it as a necklace) Anywhoo, on with the chapter!

"At least we got a room to ourselves." I mumble to Isamu as I sit on the bed provided to us by the hotel. Today had been a hectic day, and tomorrow will probably be worse. After we left the old akatsuki base Sasuke let me know that he did indeed meet with Itachi, but it was only a clone hence all the feathers.

He also told me the message that Itachi sent to him before leaving.

To meet Itachi in the Uchiha compounds to end things.

The way in which Sasuke told me this left chills running up my spine, so tomorrow would be the fateful day in which the two brothers meet? The fact hasn't gotten out of my mind, who would've thought that this would be how everything will end?

But it won't end, I can't let it end. There are two men that I cherish the most in my life, and they aren't romantic interests or even friends. They're my two brothers. If either one of them were to leave me forever. . . I just can't imagine it!

I was already tormented enough by the thought of Itachi hating me all the years that he was in the akatsuki and I was a mere child on team seven trying to figure myself out. But I was always comforted by the fact that he was alive, and there was a possibility of me meeting with him again in the future.

If anyone were to hear my thoughts, they would think that I'm a complete psycho! Itachi killed the Uchiha clan, he murdered Sasuke's family only to leave him alone and suffer for the rest of his young life in a fit of revenge.

Who the hell am I to tell Sasuke to not go after Itachi? It would be selfish of me to rip Sasuke away form his ultimate goal, but thats exactly what I'll have to be. None of this is right, it can't be right.

As much as Itachi cared for me, I was and probably still am nothing compared to how he cared for Sasuke. Anyone could see that from miles away! And I accept that, but I also acknowledge that since Itachi cared for Sasuke so much, theres no way in hell he'd go through a killing spree of his own family in order to gain power.

"Haru, are you okay?" Isamu asks as he jumps on the foot of the bed and looks at me in worry. I sigh and look out the window with a heavy heart. "I'm so worried about tomorrow Isamu. What if. . .What if one of them die?" I ask, my voice breaking as I say the last part.

The mental suffering that I'm going through isn't only because of Itachi. Hell, my heart hurts so badly for Sasuke. I still remember him as the kid who was super energetic and determined to make his father proud, the kid who had stupid jealously issues and was super talented despite his fathers harsh words. And the kid who loved his big brother with all of his heart.

To see him now so dark and, I'll admit it, demented only makes my heart break a little more. He could've been so much more than a rogue ninja hellbent on killing his older brother. I may not be fond of all his actions leading up to this point, which includes all the damage he's done to me as a person, but I can't forget who he was once before all this.

Isamu looks at me with soft eyes "Whatever happens tomorrow happens Haru, it's how life rolls." He says, more to himself than anything. I stay at the bed, staring out the window as the moonlight shined through my hotel room.

"Does the life of a shinobi mean being plagued by death wherever you run to?" I rhetorically ask. Isamu looks down and shakes his head. "Nah, to be honest I think thats just the life of a Senju."

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