Chapter 72 🌙

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Authors note: I'd like to preface this chap by saying, Sasuke is literally batshit crazy in canon at this time, so when writing his POV I tried to show his insanity lol, remember he doesn't stay this way, but after the Danzo fight he was super unhinged! Anyway, let's continue with the story!

Sasuke's POV (This starts before Haru made her appearance) 

My mind is clogged with the previous events, Danzo's death, the masked man's alliance, and now the current task of getting rid of Karin.

I don't think much of it, Karin is now worthless to me and she knows too much. Lifting my hand with my chidori to end her as quickly as possible, I almost sigh when I see a droplet of blood fall from my eye and towards the floor, somehow managing to halt my actions.

If Haru were here she'd be throwing a fit at the sight of my eye.

I'm quick to rid my thoughts of Haru, knowing that doing so would only waste everyone's time and prolong the inevitable that is Karin's death.

Before I could finally hit Karin with my chidori, putting an end to today and returning to wherever Haru is so I could tell her about Danzo, a familiar sounding "Sasuke!" Halts my actions yet again.

I turn around with narrowed eyes, feeling rather unimpressed at the sight of my old teammate Sakura standing at the other side of the bridge.

"It's you, Sakura." I stare at her rather coldly, yet internally I'm only a little intrigued by her presence. Why is she here? Is she going to try and stop me? I'll just kill her as well.

She's just as worthless to me as Karin is right now, a pawn of the leaf, the epitome of what I'd rather not deal with.

All of them are, every single one of my former comrades are dead to me, and I might as well kill off Sakura while she's here, pestering me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, toying with the idea for figuring out her reasons for seeking me out. I could only assume that the rest of my old team is coming in search of me as well, and the thought of that only angers me further.

At least Haru isn't here, If she were then they'd try to take her away from me, I'll kill them before they get close enough, of course-

"Sasuke, I'm coming with you! I'm deserting the hidden leaf!" She interrupts my train of thought, and I can't help but look at her like she's an idiot.

Although she'd make an okay replacement for Karin, does she honestly think that I'd want her to join me? She'd be a hindrance to my goals, although I know she'd be loyal to a fault, she'd annoy Haru which in turn would annoy me so-

She's the one who stresses out Haru the most, I can't expect Haru to stay around me with Sakura in my team. And that's simply not acceptable. Haru is the only person left who I value, and whoever comes in between us, intentionally or not, is dead to me.

With my mind already made up, I decide on figuring out whether or not this is a ploy in which the rest of my old team is going to appear and ambush me, or whether she's actually serious.

With Sakura it could be either option, she's been following me for no good reason for years, and I know it's because of her feelings towards me.

I don't care about her feelings, really. She does nothing but waste my time because of her actions, That's all she's ever done.

I don't need her feelings towards me, I only need Haru. Speaking of Haru, the longer Sakura keeps me here, the longer she keeps me away from her, God I should just kill her now.

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