Chapter 56 🌙

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Authors Note: This chapter is very very longgggg (Just giving a heads up for those who want one lol) And expect some MAJOR development! Anyways on with the story!

••Third Person POV••

Team Taka walk to their destination in silence as the sun begins to set. While four members of the newly named team were sporting their akatsuki cloaks, the actual akatsuki member was wearing her regular cloak with the Senju clan symbol encrusted proudly on the back.

The Senju refused to wear that cloak symbolizing her ties to the Akatsuki, knowing that Pein, her former sensei, was now one of her biggest enemies.

She did still sport the ring though, and the deep blue color would shine only slightly in the fragile seconds of the light hitting it perfectly. Haru would look up at the setting sun in worry, knowing that soon the moon would rise and her torment would begin yet again.

What was once Haru's favorite time has become her own personal hell.

Karasu, the unforgiving cursed demon of the Oshiro clan, would torment her in her own mind!! He would force her to stay awake, whisper sinful and demented things when she was all alone, and would go as far as physically torturing her, making sure that her headaches and 'visions' were even more terrible than the last.

All he wanted was to be free, but he knew that Haru had to die.

Sasuke noticed the look of worry on her face almost immediately. To anyone else, she would look just as stoic as Sasuke himself.

But the second he saw her nose scrunch up the slightest bit and her already big eyes widen, he knew something was wrong. Instead of calling her out in front of everyone and possibly making her hate him any more than she already does, he decided to stay and wait until they got to the inn to ask her about it.

"Guys we should hurry up, I don't want to get there too late." Haru says out of the blue.

"Why not?" Jugo asks, looking down at the awfully quiet girl. "I just. . . I don't like night time." She mutters, bringing her gaze down to the floor as the sun's golden rays hit her face warmly. This only heightened Sasuke's alarm.

In the thirteen years that he'd known her, he never once heard her say something along the lines of "don't like" and "night time"

Hell, Haru despises the sun does she not? Always clicking her tongue in annoyance and cussing under her breath whenever the ball of light would make its appearance. He would remember her specifically sleeping during the day so when she would wake up to see him the moon would be out instead of the sun.

And all of the sudden she doesn't like night time? Unbeknownst to him, Haru was worried not just because of the night, but because of who they were going to meet.

The next morning would be the beginning of Team Taka's mission in retrieving the eight tails. Since said Jinchuriki resides in Kumogakure, the travel is far too long and the team would have to make a rest stop before their arrival.

Because of all of this, Haru had the idea of staying in a non-ninja village nearby kumogakure where she's acquaintances with a family there who owns an inn. Haru didn't answer any questions as to who these people were or how she knew them, but Sasuke knew enough to make an assumption.

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