My mom was balling her eyes out. She was being comforted by Isla who was holding the fragile woman. I mouthed a 'thankyou' to the blonde nineteen year old. Ava was rubbing Reese's arm, comforting her. My overdramatic sister. I can't talk because I could not see anymore due to the tears.

"We are gathered here today to share the undying love of Jack Robert Avery and Zach Dean Herron. These two have shared a love that has lasted them ten years, and may live on till death do they part." We asked Ryan to marry us, we wanted it to be personal. Something only people close to us could do."and let me tell you, they ain't ever gonna part" and then that came. Everyone laughed loudly at Ryan's comment. It's our fault for choosing the twenty three year old.

"So," everyone laughed once more for no reason. "I've heard that you too are doing your own vows. Is that right?"

"We told you specifically Ryan, yes we are doing our own vows" Jack laughed. I shook my head in embarrassment of my brother.

"Ok don't be so snappy. I am marrying you, ya know?" Everyone laughed once again.

"I swear to god Ryan, marry us!" I laughed out. He nodded, trying to hold back his laughter. Our fault.

"Ok. Ok. Zach, share your beloved vows to Jack" I shook my head.

My eyes met with Jacks, I was so confident before they met his. I felt myself melt, my vision became blurry once again.

"Jack Robert Avery, you don't even know how much you make me laugh every single day. Now, I wasn't looking for that sappy stuff when I met you. I was only looking to fall in love and never leave your side, it happened to be both of those things." I sniffled. "But let's get real."

"Jack, I wouldn't do anything differently from high school until now. I was naive when I was sixteen, I didn't know what Love was. I knew that you were good looking and I liked you. But over a span of two months we became best friends. Then the damn letters got sent" everyone chuckled or giggled at the last part. "But I'm glad they did. They led to this happening. We've had an amazing ten years together, and I only want our bond to grow. So jack Avery, I promise to cherish you, love you in health and in sickness, and to never leave your side."

"Jack, your turn" Ryan spoke. I hit him gently on the chest. "Fine. Jack, shall you present the vows now?"

Jack nodded "I shall. Zach, oh darling Zach. You give me a reason to smile and laugh everyday. And just like you, in high school I was naive. I didn't know what I was doing, but since I set eyes on you I knew we would be together in the end. I'm glad we made it this far, and I'm glad we'll continue to grow together. All until we are old, gray, and brittle" I laughed lightly. "So Zachary Dean Herron, I promise to cherish you, love you in health and in sickness, and to never leave your side until the day we die. And beyond" my smile grew wider.

"The rings please?" Ryan asked. No one moved. "Corbyn, the rings?" 

I looked over at Corbyn who was balling his eyes out. "I'm sorry. It's just a so sweet" he handed Ryan the box.

Over the years Jack had stayed in touch with Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel. After a while I forgave them about the truth or dare night and started to become friends with them. Ten years strong with them too, that could be misleading.

"Corbyn, shut up. Let them get married" Jonah warned. I rolled my eyes at them. Daniel wrapped an arm around Corbyns neck, placing a hand over his mouth.

"Ok let's continue" Ryan gestured. Jack and I nodded. He handed jack the ring first.

"I will always love you" he slid the ring onto my finger. "Forever and always"

Ryan handed me the second ring. "I will never leave you." I slid the ring onto jacks finger. "Forever and always."

"I now pronounce you husband and husband" everyone cheered around us at the announcement. "You May now kiss the groom. Not too handsy there buddy, no porn" we both laughed before sharing one elongated, passionate, loving kiss. It was everything I would've ever dreamed of.

There was one thing that always kept me guessing. How did this happen all because of My Letters?

•  •  •

And that is an actual wrap on this book that I enjoyed writing so much.

My boys got married :,(

I will not being doing a sequel, I wouldn't know what to do in a sequel and I truly believe this is an amazing place to end the book.

It's been quite the journey, amazing, wonderful journey. And I can't wait to write my next book.

I love you darlings, thank you for sticking around. ♥️



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