20. jealous tables have turned

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"You're hard to impress," Hana slightly laughed. "You're the first not to fall for Jungkook right away,"

"I'm trying," I confessed. "Honestly, it's not that easy if he keeps bothering me."

"Are you pushing him away?" She asked, drinking her milk.

"Yeah, but he's always coming back," I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Huh," she replied.

I smiled awkwardly and looked over to Jinyoung who looked like he was deep into his book.

"But, if you feel like you're falling for him... You have to tell us," Hana said. "I don't want you to get your heart broken,"

"Thanks," I said, feeling the warmth of friendship growing between us.


In class I felt eyes gazing at me, when I shifted my gaze to Jungkook who quickly turned away, putting his head down.

I slightly chuckled to myself as I tried to concentrate on reading the textbook.

I wasn't able to. My eyes suddenly darted back to Jungkook—even though I was only able to see his back. I thought back to when we were running, how pumped up he was.

I actually liked that side of him. I sighed deeply, trying to shake the thought of me falling for him out of my head.

I can't fall for him. I didn't want to go through heart break—though I didn't actually know what it felt like.

Since Taehyung's here I could probably get Jungkook out of my mind while I hung out with him.

I could try.


I dashed out the door after saying my goodbyes to Hana and Jinyoung.

The weekend had just begun and I was so freaking excited about what me and Taehyung we're going to do since it's been forever since we've hung out.

I noticed Taehyung's car parked on the curb waiting for me. "Aye! It's my best man!" I shouted opening the passenger door when I felt my backpack and me getting hauled back.

"Sit in the back," Jungkook stated, getting in the passenger seat.

"What the fuck," I muttered, staring in disbelief when he closed the door, smiling at me behind the window.

I rolled my eyes and sat in the back.

"Jeon Jungkook?" I heard Taehyung say, his voice sounding surprised whilst I buckled my seatbelt.

"Kim Taehyung!?" Jungkook exclaimed.

I froze in spot whilst my eyes shifted up to both of them doing a handshake. I blinked twice, confused at the scene.

Do they know each other?

"Damn! It's been forever!" Taehyung said, lettting out a chuckle.

"You still remember our handshake!" Jungkook replied, hitting his shoulder like a little kid.

My eyebrows raised and I cleared my throat. "Um, you both know each other?"

They both shifted their gaze to me. "No shit," Jungkook sarcastically said.

"Yeah! We used to be neighbors until he moved away," Taehyung smiled. "I didn't know you went to the same school as Jungkook,"

"I live next to her too," Jungkook said.

"I mean, I remember talking about him—you both even talked to each other on the phone," I said, a bit confused.

"His voice got so low I didn't recognize it," Jungkook laughed, punching his shoulder.

"Your voice did too!" Taehyung laughed punching him back. I watched these two girls play fight like fucking kids, making me a bit irritated.

Did they forget I was in the car?

"TAEHYUNG!" I shouted irritatedly causing them to jump from shock before looking at me. I rolled my eyes irritatedly. "Can we go now?"

"Are you jealous I stole your boyfriend," Jungkook taunted and I shot a glare at him.

"Says the one who went from calling me a guardian angel to the angel of death because you saw me with Taehyung," I fired back.

"I wasn't jealous," he stated.
"I never said you were," I remarked.

He froze and stared at me for a while, probably speechless before facing forward.

I smirked and caught Taehyung staring at me. "What the hell did I just witness," he slightly laughed before turning on the engine.


I stomped inside my house because of how irritated—not jealous—I felt because of them ignoring me like I was fucking Casper in the back.

Not Jungkook ignoring me, but Taehyung ignoring me. I was definitely fine with Jungkook ignoring me.


I huffed a sigh when I turned around only to find them play fighting again as they walked in the door, laughter filling the space.

Jeon Jungkook stole my best friend.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" I exclaimed, throwing my bag at him when he caught it suddenly from reflexes.

My mouth gaped open from shock. He was pretty shocked from it himself. "Jealous much?" He smirked, his eyebrow quirking up.

I rolled my hands up in fists before glaring at him. "Taehyung—uh no—Taehyungie is mine," he taunted in the most irritating way.

"You're full of shit," I muttered walking over to take Taehyung's hand and yanking him my way.

"I was friends with him before you," Jungkook said, pulling his other arm. "Go away you little outsider,"

My mouth opened to fire back but Taehyung stopped me. "Aish, you kids are kidding me," he laughed before wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer. He did the same with Jungkook.

"I have exciting news!" He shouted. "Me and my family are moving here so we'll all be going to the same school,"

"What?" Both me and Jungkook exclaimed in harmony.


yoooo, do y'all like Taehyung's character so far?

yoooo, do y'all like Taehyung's character so far?

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