18. the smell of jealousy

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After turning the lights off, I pulled my covers up so it covered my whole body even though it wasn't even that cold. I just loved hugging my blanket to sleep.

I turned towards the wall so my back was to Jungkook who was sleeping on the floor. I was beginning to drift off to sleep when I felt my bed moving. I turned around only to feel Jungkook lying next to me.

"What the heck," I muttered, before realizing how close we were. I felt his breathing on me, our skins touching. My heart skipped a beat when I felt him get closer.

He didn't answer me, so he was probably sleeping—or faking it. I moved back and lifted my leg up to kick him off my bed.

He yelped as he fell.

"Shut up!" I muttered, half laughing.

"Ouuuch," he groaned. "You think that's funny?"

"Um," I slightly laughed again, trying to find words when I felt my foot getting grabbed and pulled down my bed causing me to yelp and fall onto him.

"You're invading my personal space again," he whispered with his soft voice teasingly, and I felt shivers down my spine whilst I uneasily looked around the darkness before trying to push myself up when he moved his hands to the small of my back, pulling me back down.

I couldn't tell where his face was so I couldn't directly look at him. "U-Uh, Jungkook," I stuttered apprehensively.

"You're sleeping down here with me," He mumbled softly, wrapping his arms around me before turning me to the side with him. I felt him bury his face in my hair as he hugged me to sleep, giving me butterflies.

My heart was pounding so crazily fast even he probably felt it.

Cuddling with him felt good. I didn't want to let go, but I couldn't help but wonder, what if this was part of his scheme?

Whatever it was, it felt nice. I suddenly wanted him to continue cuddling me like this. I didn't want him to let go and if this actually was part of his scheme, then I would probably be getting my heart broken.

I just didn't want to believe it.


I suddenly jerked out of bed, realizing it was Friday and not a Saturday.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I frantically exclaimed jumping out of bed. I turned my alarm off because it was annoying the living shit out of me and because I hadn't realized it was a Friday.

The week had gone by so fast, my mind was all over the place.

I noticed Jungkook wasn't still sleeping on the floor and groaned irritatedly. He probably knew I was still asleep and that I'll be late for the bus so he purposely didn't wake me up.

I picked my alarm up from the floor and set it back on my table. I slightly laughed as the thought of me accidentally hitting him with my alarm filled my mind.

I probably did hit him.

I quickly got ready and ran downstairs. "Okay my parents I'm late for the bus again—,"

I halted when I saw Taehyung sitting in the dining room. "OH AERAAA!!" He shouted.

"Taehyung!?" I exclaimed and he smiled. I dashed toward him and pulled him into a hug.

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