#Chapter 6: Back to My "Perfect" life

Start from the beginning

She rolled her eyes before snatching the bottle of whiskey from the table. She poured the remaining drops of liquid from the bottle directly to her mouth before throwing the bottle against the wall. The bottle smashed to tiny shards of glass. My eyes widened in horror as I looked down to the shard of glass. I flinched in fear when she gave me a menacing look before she insulted me once again.

“Bitch, that’s what you get for whoring around! And by tomorrow I want to see the whole house clean!” she seethed

She narrowed her eyes and examined me from head-to-toe before smiling in satisfaction. She turned and skipped to the stairs before slamming her door close.

I pushed myself up using one of my hands for support. I clutch my stomach before slowly, lifting my shirt up. A patch of blue-black bruise had formed right above my belly button. I pressed slightly but hissed immediately at the pain. I looked up to her door and sighed in relief when the door was not open. She should be asleep by now.

I hold onto the wall as I staggered to the kitchen. With every steps I took, the intense pain on my feet increases. My lips quivered before slowly drops of my tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat down on the floor before gently pulling my feet up. I pulled out the first aid kit from the drawer and swiftly placed the cold patch to my bruise. With a tweezer, I slowly took out all the shards of glass one by one from my feet.

My hands were shaking as I clean the wound from my feet. Never had I thought that she would harm me. Now she dared to hurt me than how about in the future? She could kill you! I shuddered in fear.

After I’ve done cleaning up the wounds, I stood up and look around the house. How the hell did she manage to turn the house just like a tornado had occurred? See what is going happened when I’m not home? I let out a long sigh before taking out the broom. Okay Jennifer! Remember I can do it! With determination, I wiped my tear-stained face and held my chip up!

That’s how I started my first night back home. Yay! I’m PLEASED to be home.

 Wait shit! School’s tomorrow!  I took out my hand phone and send a quick message to Lisa.

Jennifer: Girl! Sorry couldn’t attend school the whole of last week…had some family stuff. So any news?

I shake my head as I thought about the party that woman had organized. Don't mention about the noise. She knows that I was studying for exams but still I had to be the one cleaning up… and then there's about the whole gangs deal… and now I had to be worried for the coming week examination. Wow my life!

Lisa: What the hell? What time is it? It’s fucking 2 am and hello ppl are sleeping! A lot of things happen when u not around. Tell you all abt it tmrw! Goodnitey babe!

Jennifer: Okay goodnitey too! Luv ya! Dun kill me tmrw plz…T_T

I glanced at the clock and chuckled quietly… Oops sorry Girl! I put aside my phone and get ready for bed. Tomorrow, I mean today I’m back to Jennifer who has a perfect life, which means perfect family… ya right!

I’m sooo looking forward to school tomorrow!


(Blake’s Pov)

I stared at her as she dashed out of the house without even looking back. Is she serious? I swear I could see how badly she was shaken up after being told that she was going to die. I glanced over to Tyler. He looked dejected and miserable. Feeling my stare on him, he turned and gave me a death stare before storming out of the house.

What the hell?

Then not a second later, he returned back and pulled me by my jacket before pushing me out of the house.

“Get out Blake! This is my house! You’re supposed to be out not me!” he bellowed

“Well, I’m not the one who went out of his own house earlier…” I retorted back.

He stared me down like how a lion stared down a deer as its prey.

I was speechless and dumbfounded. I was stunned even more when he shoot me another glare before slamming the door to my face. Never had I seen him this angry. The last time that happened was when she was killed. Jennifer, that chick, really meant a lot to him aye?

Being even more perplexed, I shall repeat again, what the hell?

Still confused by his behaviour, I went to my car and drove out of the gate. I shake my head and think about that chick.

“We’ll see for how long you could stay alive before the gangs get your head or wait… before you come begging for me to let you in” I smirked as I pictured her desperate begging.

Let the fun begin!


Okay! Was this chapter too short? I’m really sorry if it’s too short. Anyways finally I managed to show how abusive the mum could be but be warned this is only the beginning. There’s more to come! How about Blake? Do you hate him? He’s being such an ass doesn’t he?

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See ya guys!


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