chapter thirty six

Începe de la început

The thing hitting my window had stopped and now there was nothing but silence.

That was until I heard a familiar husky Irish voice calling my name.

I took two quick steps over to my window, pulling the sash up and leaning out. Sure enough, I found Niall standing beneath my window, a handful of stones, looking back up towards me.

"What do you want?" I hissed, kneeling up on to the seat as he shrugged.

"Take it back." His voice was small, and practically lost in the wind, as I shook my head. I watched his mouth move again but this time his words did not reach me.

"What?" I called as he spoke again, losing his words. "I can't hear you." I sighed mostly to myself as Niall looked around frustratedly.

I sighed again making a mental decision I knew was going to be risky. I stretched my hand out of the window and pointed towards my front door before disappearing and sneaking quietly downstairs.

I checked the hall ways before opening the front door, where Niall was standing ready and waiting, once again, the boy opened his mouth to speak, but my hand beat him, as it flew up cupping his mouth and my other hand grabbed his arm pulling him in.

"Don't say a word." I whispered as he nodded looking around, I gently released my hand from his mouth as I tried to shut the door quietly.

"Sophie?" I froze as my mothers inquisitive voice filled the house.

"Yeah?" I called back pushing Niall towards the stairs as he smirked, hiding his laugh.

"Yes." My mother corrected my grammar before continuing. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing important, I'm going to go to bed, school tomorrow, night." I called taking a step behind Niall as my mother stopped me again.

"Well come and say goodnight." She called as Niall turned around smirking heavier than before.

I mouthed the words 'go' to Niall as I pointed towards my bedroom, he obliged taking two steps at a time as he quickly mounted the stairs.

I walked in to the living room smiling at my parents who were sitting opposite each other quietly. I first approached my mother kissing her on the cheek as her hand reached for my head, flattening the hair, making it neat. I rolled my eyes as I turned my back on her, and walking towards my father who was now chuckling at the rolling of my eyes.

My father left me with a kiss on the forehead as he undid the work my mother had just done by ruffling my hair gently and winking.

"Night Soph." he smiled as I returned the grin, getting out of the living room as quickly as I could.

I ran up the stairs, crashing in to my room to see Niall laying on the bed, feet stretched out in front of him crossed over, his trainers leaving a visible dirt mark on my covers. His arms were supporting the back of his head as he smirked at me.

"At least take your shoes off?" I mumbled sitting in the chair in the corner of my room, he raised an eyebrow, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up straight.

He pulled his shoes off and chucked them in to the corner of my room before placing his hands in his lap cautiously.

"What do you want? If anyone finds out you're here, I am going to die." I stressed running a hand through my head.

"In fact, they will find out, Niall you need to leave." I stressed further standing up and walking over to him tugging at his shirt at a poor attempt to pull him up. "You need to go!" I stressed again as he laughed, taking my hand away from his black shirt and pressing it in his as he stood up, instantly towering over me.

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