chapter twenty three

Start from the beginning

"Well here we are." Niall laughed as we approached the isolated tree in the middle of the empty field. I looked around confused as he pulled himself up on to a lower branch sitting on it.

"We are?" I asked as he nodded sitting back in the sunlight, I stood aimlessly as I stared down at the dry ground below me. I watched as Niall opened an eye looking me up and down.

"Are you going to sit down?" he asked as I nodded, looking around me for a place to sit, I didn't want to climb the tree, I didn't like climbing things, heights made me feel absolutely sick. I sat down where I had been standing, crossing my legs awkwardly, and placing my hands in my lap. "Not going to come up here?" he asked patting the log above him as he opened his eyes again. I shook my head as he rose an eyebrows propping himself up on one elbow. "And whys that?"

"Uh, I don't like heights." I said embarrassed at my childlike fear, I felt him laugh gently, mocking me as he swung his legs over the branch sitting up fully.

"It's not high, come on." He pushed holding out a hand, I shook my head again forcefully as he frowned. "Please?" He asked again as I looked up to him pursing my lips and shaking my head.

"I don't like heights!" I reiterated as he pouted, swinging his legs in the air.

"I won't let you fall!" he moaned as I sighed realising there was no way I'd win this fight, Niall was determined to terrify me. I sighed standing up to my feet and walking over to the tree below where he was sitting, attempted to grab on to a loose piece of bark.

"If you do that you're going to fall and break your neck." He smirked watching me attempt to pull myself up, I huffed turning to him and placing my hands on my hips. "Look, take my hand here" he held out his hand leaning down as I cautiously took his hand, as he wrapped his other hand around mine, pulling me up, wobbly. "Woah!" he shouted trying to steady himself as he wobbled backwards, he slung me on to the branch as I clung on whilst he pulled himself back up safely.

"You alright there?" He chuckled taking in my motionless slumped body hanging across the thick branch. "Uh huh" I mumbled as he chuckled, hooking an arm around my waist and pulling me to sit up straight as we sat facing each other, legs slung over either side of the branch.

"So, is this better than spending a day with Ben?" Niall asks, as I wince at the name, bringing him back in to my head right now was far from a good idea. I couldn't think of ben when I was with Niall. I think Niall saw my change in attitude because he apologised quickly. "sorry." He mumbled as I offered a smile, he chuckled leaning against the trunk "But you know it is." He added as I kicked him with my foot, causing him to break out in another laugh.

"Sophie, that day at the country club, you told me you'd never done anything..." Niall muttered after a while of appreciated silence, I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Was it true?"

I didn't know what to say at first, why he was bringing it up right now was unknown for me, I didn't think there was any reason or need for it. "Yes it was true." I tried to be abrupt and harsh, but it came out as more as a sigh.

He blew air out of his mouth loudly as he put his hands behind his head, flicking his sunglasses back over his eyes. After a minute or two he sat back up taking his sunglasses off and pushing them in to his pocket as he examined the confused look on my face.

"What are we going to do Sophie?" He asked quietly, I knew exactly what he was talking about as I shook my head. "I mean, shit, I don't know what to do." He sighed running a hand through his floppy hair. "I'd fucking ruin you Sophie."

"I have a boyfriend, I love him Niall." I sighed as he nodded slowly knowing it was true. I hadn't a clue what we were doing, and I don't think he did either.

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