The Moments Between Us: Part Seven

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Marlene McKinnon was a slut. There was no other word for it. She had sex a lot, with a lot of guys, and she wore revealing clothes and flirted endlessly. There was nothing wrong with it. She never lead guys on, she never got pregnant, and, as far as she knew, she never broke anyone's heart.

Sirius Black was a slut. There was no other word for it. He had sex a lot, with a lot of girls, he walked around shirtless and flicked back his hair, and he hit on girls like there was no tomorrow. There was nothing wrong with it. He (rarely) led girls on, he never got anyone pregnant, and maybe he had broken a few hearts, but that wasn't his fault.

Neither of them had ever been in a relationship. Two weeks of sleeping with one person, Easter holiday flings, but never anything serious. Until the two of them started dating. No one saw it coming. Even though they had been urged to kiss at Marlene's sixteenth birthday party, even though they were constantly insulting one another in the way people did only when they harboured secret affection, even though they both got very obviously jealous when talking about the people they had hooked up with, no one suspected a thing.

They had been friends with benefits for a while. Everyone had known that. After the first drunken sex at one of Gryffindor's parties, they hadn't been able to keep their hands off of each other. It had been makeout session after makeout session, but unbeknownst to anyone aside from the two of them, no more sex. But no one had expected it to last. Even Marlene, who realised she probably had feelings for Sirius at her birthday party, and Sirius, who had realised his feelings from the first alcohol tinged kiss, hadn't expected it to last longer than a few months at most.

After four months of being together, they still hadn't said the three words. Neither of them had ever said it before, and there was an unspoken agreement between the two of them that they were waiting for the right time. But the right time didn't come for another month, and Sirius and Marlene were glad they waited. 


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cate xxx

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