Working Things Out

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"I wish you would shave more often," Sirius Black complained, running a hand along the stubble covering Remus Lupin's chin. "You're already entirely covered in hair once a month, isn't that enough?"

"Why do you care, Padfoot?" James Potter said before Remus could say anything. "It's not like you're kissing him."

Remus blushed and grabbed Sirius's hand where it was still touching his face, and forced it back into the dark haired boy's lap.

"I don't have time to shave," Remus said in his quiet voice. "I'm too busy studying and being a werewolf."

"Well I think you'd look great with a beard, Moony," Peter piped up, smiling at his friend.

"Ew, Merlin no," Sirius wailed. "The tiny spiky things are bad enough."

"It's called stubble, Pads," James said drily, catching Remus's eye and shaking his head.

Sirius realised at the same time Remus and everyone else did that Remus's hand was still clasping his in his lap.

James cleared his throat as Remus extracted his hand hastily, and Sirius felt a pang of resentment for his boyfriend, who was too scared to tell his best friend he was in love with a guy.

"I have to do that Potions essay that's due tomorrow. Moony, will you help me?" Peter pleaded, and Sirius rolled his eyes as Remus nodded and got up so quickly it was obvious he just wanted to put some space between him and Sirius.

"Sirius," James said the moment the other two were gone, and he fell heavily onto the couch beside Sirius, so close their arms and legs were pressed together, "what's going on with you and Remus?"

Sirius looked down at his knees, scowling.

"He doesn't want me to tell you."

James nodded.

"Do you want to tell me?"

Sirius looked up at him, his eyes filled with so much emotion he was sure James could read everything in them.

"I do."

James sighed and put a hand on Sirius's shoulder, a gesture Sirius had come to know meant he was there to support Sirius if he needed. Subconsciously, Sirius leant into him, his shoulder, which almost reached James's, digging into James's upper arm.

"Why doesn't Remus want to tell me?" James asked.

"I don't really know..."

James's brow crumpled as he frowned.

"Okay... Do you want me to talk to him?"

Sirius shook his head rapidly, his long silky black curls flying about his sharp, delicately featured face. He ran a finger down James long, freckled nose and smiled as James scrunched it up.

"Thank you, though. I know you always have my back. And I'll talk to Remus, don't worry."

James smiled back at him, and Sirius dug both his fingers in the dimples that formed in James's cheeks.

"Stop touching my face!" James exclaimed, slapping Sirius's hands away.

Sirius shimmied down on the couch and lay his head in James's lap, grinning.

"I can see up your nostrils," he giggled.

"Merlin, Moony is fucking a six year old."

"Actually, Moony's not fucking anyone," Sirius replied cooly, meeting James's ashamed gaze.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Sirius waved his hand airily.

"No biggie. I'm gonna tell you when it happens though, whether he wants me to or not. I'll need to."

"Okay. I'm not going to lie though; it'll be weird for me to hear. But I'll listen if you need me."

"Thanks, Prongs. What's happening with you?"

"Lily turned me down again this morning."

"Before or after you asked her out?"

"Before," James muttered, and Sirius laughed.

"157th time."

"It can't be. Remus has the tally," James said. "Bet you it's more."

"She'll say yes one day, Prongs."

James shrugged as if it didn't really matter, but Sirius could see sadness in his best friends hazel eyes and he reached up to clumsily pat his cheek.

"Thanks, mate. Now get off me," James said, flinching away as Sirius made to ruffle his hair, shuffling down the couch as Sirius sat up and crawled towards him, landing sprawled across his chest just as Remus and Peter reentered the room.

"Pince kicked us out when Wormy 'accidentally' drenched the Potions book he was reading with water," Remus said, stopping suddenly when he noticed the position Sirius and James were in.

"Taking a leaf out of my book I see, Wormtail." Sirius winked at him, avoiding Remus's eye.

"Sirius, can I talk to you?" Remus said abruptly.

He didn't wait for a reply but stalked to the other side of the room where there was a deserted armchair set in a corner.

Sirius loped lazily after him and sat down, draping his long arms along the arms of the chair and stretching his legs out, making sure to flex his muscles.

"Remus, darling, whatever's the matter?" Sirius purred, as confidently as always, but he was still not looking Remus in the eye.

"Why were you flirting with James? He is so not your type, and he's in love with Lily."

Sirius gaped at him.

"Remus I- Me, flirting with- James is my best friend. My brother. I wasn't flirting with him, I'm in love with you!"

"Really? You sure don't act like it sometimes."

Sirius stood up and moved closer to Remus.

"Maybe because you're so freaking scared of what everyone is going to think so I have to pretend I'm not in love with you, and it's really hard, Remus, because I love you more than anyone else, except maybe James - who I love in a BROTHERLY WAY - and I just wish I could kiss you in front of everyone all the time-" Sirius was cut off by Remus, who had closed the space between them and was kissing him fiercely, winding his fingers in Sirius's long dark hair, his free hand sliding from Sirius's shoulder to his chest and down his side to rest in his waist, and up again. Sirius fell back onto the couch, taking Remus with him, Remus with all his long gangly limbs and ratty grey sweater and loose black pants that Sirius could feel him through.

"I love you," Remus gasped against Sirius's lips, trailing kisses messily down his neck and across his collarbone, which was bare since his shirt was unbuttoned, as usual. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Sirius groaned back.

Then someone cleared their throat and the two boys hastily pulled apart to see James and Peter.

"Something you want to tell us, boys?" James said smugly as Peter giggled.

"Yeah so we're dating," Sirius said, before Remus could stop him.

"Sirius!" He hissed.

"Uh, Moony, I think we would have worked it out anyway," Peter said. 


I love the fan art so so much. Check out for more amazing HP art like it. 

Thanks so much for reading, remember to comment!!

Cate xx

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