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"Please, Andie-"

"Save it," she hissed, her deep brown eyes flashing with anger.

Ted looked crestfallen and sunk onto the top step of the Slytherin common room, resting his face in his hands.

He and Andromeda had been 'talking' in her dormitory when he'd blurted it out. Blurted his stupid, stupid thoughts out. He rubbed his forehead with one hand before sliding his hand down his face and peeking through his fingers at his girlfriend.

She was very pretty when she was angry, her nostrils flared adorably, eyes narrowed, and her hair seeming to crackle with fury. In fact, she looked a lot like her older sister, Bellatrix. No, no she didn't. When Bellatrix was angry she snarled and looked ready to kill, her whole face twisted with cruelty. Andromeda's anger was tinged with hurt, her lip trembling slightly as she glared at him. If anything, she looked like Narcissa, elegant even in her wrath of fire, head held high. And then all the fight seemed to seep out of her, and she wasn't Bellatrix or Narcissa anymore but Andromeda, his beautiful Andromeda.

She took a seat beside him, the narrow staircase forcing her arm to be pressed up against his.

"I'm so sorry Andie. Really I am. You know I didn't mean it."

"You sure sounded like you did," Andromeda muttered, her face set in a scowl once more. "But look, as long as you know what you said was wrong and definitely not true, it's okay. I forgive you."

A cackle reached their ears and Bellatrix sauntered around the corner, her robes pinned up on one side to reveal a large amount of pale thigh thanks to her short skirt. Her hair was out, as usual, a tangle of black curls down her back that fell into her face. Lips red without lipstick, normally tanned skin pale against the black of her school uniform, she was a version of Snow White previously unthought of, sexy and dark, eyes glittering with malice. Ted's lip curled in disgust.

"You forgive him?" Bellatrix sneered, and Andromeda stood up to face her older sister, fists clenched at her side. Andromeda was taller, almost by a head, but Bellatrix didn't cower.

"Of course I do."

Bellatrix laughed again, a cold, mirthless laugh, throwing her head back. When she straightened up she was smirking at them from behind a dark curtain of hair, and Ted remembered suddenly Andromeda mentioning once that Bellatrix never brushed her hair. Narcissa brushed hers at least twice a day, which was why her long sheets of white blonde hair remained sleek and shiny. Andromeda ran a comb through her hair every morning, but by the end of the day it was always coming out of it's messy bun. He loved to tug on the corkscrew curls that hung on either side of her face affectionately. Ted wondered whether at least one of the sisters used magic on their hair - Narcissa's was perfectly straight, Andromeda's in tight ringlets and Bellatrix's in loose curls, they couldn't possibly all be natural.

"He's a mudblood, you know that, right? A filthy little mudblood."

Ted had risen up to meet her, a hand on Andromeda's shoulder, and Bellatrix spat the last words in his face.

He wondered for a moment why Andromeda wasn't more shocked. After all, 'mudblood' was one of the worst insults out there, a blasphemy most people didn't dare to use. Then he remembered that Andromeda had grown up in a strictly pure-blood household; the world had probably been thrown around carelessly.

"I know that," Andromeda said quietly, her voice shaking with suppressed rage - or fear, he couldn't tell. Wordlessly, he slid his hand down her arm and took her hand in his own, feeling reassured when she entwined their fingers. She squeezed his hand, seeming to draw strength from the pressure he returned. "I know that. And you know what? I don't care."

And with that she stalked up the stairs, pulling Ted with her, leaving a stunned Bellatrix behind them.

She tugged him into her dormitory, laughing breathlessly, and shut the door behind them before falling back on the bed, throwing her arms out, her curls spreading out around her head like a mane. He moved closer to her, standing over her and looking down into her beautiful face, and he wondered if anyone had ever seen Andromeda as he had, all the haughtiness and hostility stripped away to reveal... This. A smiling girl reaching her hand up to touch his face, but finding it just out of reach. He stepped closer and when she stretched her arm out again, he didn't wait for it to brush his face but instead caught it and held it to his chest, right above his heart, and he wondered if she could feel it beating beneath her fingers as she spread them out over the emblem of his house, the red and gold of Gryffindor, the lion with it's wild mane like hers.

"I had to fall in love with a Gryffindor. It's bad enough you're muggle-born, but you had to be Gryffindor as well," Andromeda said ruefully.

He covered her hand with both of his, stroking a soft line up and down one of its fine bones.

"I'm sorry your family is so..." He trailed off, unsure of how to phrase what he meant.

"Me too," she said sadly, flipping her hand slowly beneath his so their palms were pressed together. "Me too."

Ted's breath caught as she scraped her fingernails lightly up his palm before bringing his hand to her lips and grazing a kiss across his knuckles.

"I didn't mean what I said before."

She raised an eyebrow, her lips still against his hand.

"Okay, I did. But I don't anymore. I know now that you really don't care what my blood status is, that you'll-" his voice broke as she began nuzzling his hand, reeling him in closer as she moved her lips up his arm, "-love me anyway."

He gulped as she reached his shoulder and planted a trail of kisses along it and up his neck, lingering on his jawline, lingering for too long, and Ted flung himself down next to her from where he'd been awkwardly bending over and rolled over so he was on top of her, raising his body on his elbows so that it was an inch above hers. The tension between them was palpable; the tiny space that wasn't her white shirt or his black jumper seemed to thrum with electricity. And then she arched up to kiss him, and as their lips met, fierce and sweet all at the same time, he curved his arm under her back, the other bracing them on the bed. One of her arms was looped around his neck, the other at the waist of his pants, her fingers dancing along the strip of pale stomach that was revealed between his shirt and pants. She wrapped her legs around him and he turned with her in his arms, and now she was on top of him, and there was no space between their bodies at all but he could still feel the electricity. She was moaning softly and moving her body against his and he groaned low in her mouth, tangling his fingers in her hair, the hair that he loved. Fingers fumbled for the buttons of shirts - his jumper had already been discarded - and fastenings of pants and skirts, and suddenly, there was nothing between them, nothing at all. Ted had seen her like this before, many times, but each time it was even more wonderful. As she leant down to kiss him again, smiling against his lips, he felt her skin hot against his, burning with passion, and he knew his was too, the blood rushing through his veins making him feel dizzy with want just as hers was. His blood; mudblood. Her blood; pureblood. Pumping through their hearts and feeling the same love. Their blood. 


I wrote this ages ago and only just realised I hadn't published it here :) 

Please comment, favourite and everything! Thank you <3

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