Valentine's Day Part 2

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Scorpius was slumped at his desk in science, his least favourite subject. Usually he had Albus to help him, but he had no idea where his best friend was, in fact, he'd been absent all morning. Frowning slightly, Scorpius bent down over the worksheet he was supposed to be completing before giving up entirely and letting his head come to rest on the desk. Today was Valentine's Day and Scorpius still hadn't told Albus how he felt.

"Hey Scorp," someone said brightly, and Scorpius looked up to see Rose Granger-Weasley settling into a seat beside him.

"Rosie, what are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.

"I'm in your class, silly," Rose replied, rolling her eyes.

"No I mean here here. In this seat."

Rose shrugged.

"You were sitting alone. It's Valentine's Day, I figured you could use some company."

"Thanks Rose," Scorpius smiled, squeezing her leg under the bench.

"No problem. You want to sit with Roxy and me at recess? Albus isn't here, is he?"

"Sure. I have no idea where Al is, I haven't seen him all day and he's not replying to my texts."

Rose seemed to be hiding a smile as she leant over to see his work sheet.

"That's strange. You need some help with question seven?"

Scorpius narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.

"Rose... Is something going on that I don't know about?"

"Whatever makes you think that?" Rose grinned slyly. "Now come on, Mr Andrews will keep you in if you don't finish these questions, and they're about the heart so it fits, what with it being Valentine's Day and all, the day of love..."

She seemed to be mentioning Valentine's Day a lot, Scorpius noticed. But he made nothing of it and, sighing internally at the half an hour they still had left to study hearts, tuned into what Rose was saying about them.

Maths, PE, History and English and Albus still wasn't there. Scorpius had sent over twenty texts and had called his best friends at least ten times.

"Just leave it, Scorpius," Roxanne said as he called Albus again at lunch. "I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason for ignoring you."

She exchanged a glance with Rose, who giggled and said, "Yes, a perfectly good reason."

"What are you two up to?" Scorpius asked curiously.

"You'll find out soon enough," Roxanne beamed at him.

Rose took a bite of her apple and said with her mouth full, "What do you have next?"

Scorpius searched through his bag for his timetable and scanned it quickly.

"Art with Miss Bennet."

"Perfect," Rose and Roxanne said in unison, exchanging another infuriating we-know-something-you-don't glance. "Miss Bennet is a hopeless romantic."

"It's really not," Scorpius snapped, putting his timetable in his bag and cursing quietly as he chipped his nail polish on his zipper. Victoire had painted his nails just the other day, a French manicure to celebrate their first fluent French conversation. Victoire had grown up with her mother speaking French occasionally and Scorpius's father had been teaching him the language over the years, and they'd finally had a long conversation about cats - Victoire had a gorgeous Russian Blue and Scorpius a beautiful Ragdoll.

"Are you okay, Scorp?" Roxanne asked worriedly as his eyes welled up with frustration. He didn't know why he was crying. He supposed it was because yet another Valentine's Day had gone by where he hadn't confessed his feelings for Albus.

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