The Moments Between Us: Part Six

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"You know, I never thought it would be like this," Sirius said thoughtfully, stroking the side of Marlene's head where it lay on his chest with his long fingers.

"How did you think it would be?" Marlene's voice was soft, like her hair, which spread across Sirius's torso in golden waves.

"Well, for starters I thought we would be drunk."

Marlene laughed, a throaty laugh that made Sirius's chest ache.

"Technically the first time we were drunk," she pointed out. "But I guess this is the second first time."

He kissed her forehead hard and held her tighter to him.

"And I thought you would need a lot of persuasion," he continued.

Marlene smirked.

"Also since you've got this whole feminist thing going, I was sort of freaking out that you'd say I was pressuring you, and I never want to pressure you into anything."

She closed her eyes as he placed feather-light kisses on the corners of her lips. Her body was under his now, as it had been earlier that night, and she curved her arms around his neck as he pressed his lips to hers. The smooth contours of his body were hard against her, and she pushed herself against him as they kept kissing.

"What did you think it would be like?" Sirius asked breathlessly.

"Scary." Marlene clutched at his shoulders as he ran his fingers through her hair, the roughness of his skin sending tingles running across her scalp.

"Was it scary?" With what seemed like a lot of effort, Sirius pulled back to meet her eyes. The two of them both had grey eyes, which was unusual, but then they were an unusual couple. The bad boy and the bad girl - pretty cliche, or so it seemed. But though their relationship started out as nothing more than meaningless sex, built on social status rather than the friendship they already had, it quickly deepened into something beautiful and real. Something neither of them had expected.

"To start with, yes, it was," Marlene said simply, running her eyes down his body, from his tousled hair and sharp jawline, to his arms that were slightly too skinny, and the paleness of his stomach.

"I didn't... do anything wrong, did I?"

"No. It was just me. After a few minutes, I was fine. Couldn't you tell?"

Sirius smiled, his cheeks dimpling in the way they did only around her. When he leant down and kissed her, she turned her head and hugged him instead, burying her face in his shoulder.

"I love you, Sirius," she mumbled.

Sirius wrapped his arms around her, pulling her up and into his lap so they were a cocoon of arms and legs.

"I love you too, Mar."

After a moment, she seemed to sense that he wanted to say something.

"Sirius, are you okay?"

He kissed behind her ear, and her eyes fluttered shut.

"I just wanted to tell you that- well, I was scared too. Terrified, actually."

Marlene knew that he was talking about more than just last night. He was talking about them, about their relationship.

Marlene trailed her lips along his jawline and twisted the ends of his hair around her fingers.

"I could tell," she said.

"I'm not scared anymore," he said quietly.

"Me neither. I love you, Sirius," she said again.

"I love you too."


i would love some feedback :)

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