The Moments Between Us: Part Ten

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Marlene was a vision in black, her golden hair flashing different colours under the lights, her body moving in time to the music, her hand clutching a paper cup filled with a dark amber liquid. Sirius made his way through the crowd of teenagers towards her, glasses of blood-red wine held in each of his hands. She looked even more gorgeous up close, her lips full and as red as the wine he handed to her, her dress clinging to her like a second skin.

"Wine?" Marlene questioned as she took the glass.

"Only the best for you, darling," Sirius said.

Marlene giggled and took a sip. Then she wound her free arm around Sirius's neck and pulled him in. He never usually called girls pet names, but he was drunk, about to get drunker, and Marlene seemed to like it.

"You look hot tonight, Sirius," she said, her voice husky.

Sirius gripped her waist and placed a brusque kiss on her cherry red lips.

"Why thank you, darling."

"You just kissed me," Marlene said in amazement. For a second, she was the girl he was best friends with, the girl he was falling in love with. But then she pressed her lips against his, and dropped her glass of wine with a smash, and suddenly she was just another drunk girl at a party that he would wake up next to tomorrow morning, the only thing they shared being a splitting headache, not love.

Marlene was still kissing him, and so he kissed her back, and soon she was somehow in his arms and he was carrying her across the Gryffindor common room and up into his dormitory, leaving their wine glasses smashed on the floor, wine seeping into the carpet. 

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