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Draco still heard her screams sometimes. When he was in the shower, or going for a run, or reading in his room. Never when she was beside him. With her there, all he felt was love and security, none of the fear and guilt that had consumed him during the war.

"Draco, can you read this for me and tell me what you think?" Hermione asked, pushing her laptop across the table to him.

He hated that piece of technology that was so obviously muggle he couldn't even look at it without disgust curling his lip. He hated the fact that it hid behind its shiny, silver exterior when really it could display the most awful things and basically read your mind. He'd always hated things that pretended to be what they weren't. Or maybe he hadn't always, but he certainly had since the war.

"Do I have to?" He whined, swirling his cereal around his bowl with his spoon.

"Yes, you do. I have to hand this report in today and I'd like another opinion on it," Hermione said firmly, reaching for her wand to summon his bowl and walk with it hovering in front of her back to the kitchen. She was already dressed in a grey pencil skirt and turquoise blouse, ready for work.

"I wasn't finished yet!" He called after her.

"You hate honey puffs, Draco, you just had them because Harry tells you to always eat breakfast and there's nothing else in the cupboard. Which reminds me, you need to go shopping this afternoon."

"When did I start doing what Potter tells me?" Draco muttered sulkily, and giving in, he tapped on the mousepad of Hermione's laptop to brighten the screen and began to read what she had written.

His eyebrows rose up and up as he read further.

He cleared his throat and tugged at the collar of his shirt before saying in a strained voice, "A work assignment, you said?"

In the kitchen, Hermione smirked as she set the dishwasher to clean their dishes from last night as well as their breakfast plates.

"Oh yes, it's about this guy I met at work - he's quite good looking actually. Blond hair, grey eyes... he even has an okay body."

"Oh? Just okay?" Draco questioned, trying to sound nonchalant but failing as his voice crept up an octave and his skin prickled with heat.

"Hmm. I suppose one could consider it gorgeous, actually."

Hermione reentered the dining room and Draco closed the laptop and stood up hastily. She wore only her underwear; a lacy purple bra with silken black panties that hugged the curves of her body and yet were so Hermione he bit back a smile.

"I know someone else with a gorgeous body," he murmured, reaching to touch her arm with trembling fingers as she moved closer to him.

She stood on tiptoes, wound her arms around her neck and stared into his grey eyes.

"Gorgeous." His breath stroked her lips as she pressed them to his, her tongue catching on his teeth.

Draco slid his hands around her middle and ran his thumbs lightly over her lower back, brushing the line of her underwear and making her shiver. Hermione slid one arm from around his neck and undid the buttons of his shirt with steady fingers. How she wasn't shaking with anticipation he didn't know. His shirt - which was actually an old pyjama shirt as he had just woken up - fell off and onto the floor, joined by his pants a moment later. He fumbled with the clasp of her bra and she gave an impatient huff as his hand slipped and unhooked it herself.

"Don't you have work soon?" He mumbled.

"I think I can stay home today..."

"I love you," he said as she pressed herself against him once again.

"It doesn't count when you say it during sex," she laughed breathily, and kissed his chest once, twice, countless times, faster and faster, her teeth grazing his skin.

"It's not sex yet."

Hermione smiled, a blindingly perfect smile that made her brown eyes shine and tinted her cheeks with colour.

Then she kissed him again. 

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