The Moments Between Us: Part Five

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It was a year after Marlene and Sirius had left Hogwarts. They had lasted through fights, and the fear of incoming war, and the natural instinct they both had to run when things got hard.

Lily and James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were all sat on the floor, looking up at Sirius and Marlene who were sitting in an armchair, arms around each other, beaming down at them.

"We're engaged!" Marlene cried, and kissed Sirius hard on the cheek.

There was instant cheering, led by Peter, followed by both Lily and James jumping up and throwing themselves at the couple.

"Congratulations, Padfoot, you finally asked her!" James exclaimed, hugging his best friend tightly.

"Yeah, I did," Sirius said, squeezing James.

Marlene glanced up from where she was patting Lily on the head. The redhead was hugging Marlene's long legs, her chin resting on her knees.

"Sweetie, tell him the truth," Marlene said gently.

Sirius scratched the back of his head as James waited expectantly.

"Yeah, um, Mar actually proposed to me," he mumbled, blushing as Marlene hid a smirk.

"Oh, cool, there's no rule about these things. Nice one, Mar," James said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

Meanwhile both Peter and Remus had their fists stuffed in their mouths to stop themselves from laughing. Sirius glared at them.

"Sexist bitches," Lily muttered with a scowl.

"Lils, it's not like that, it's just- just- just that-" Remus broke into peals of laughter.

"Sirius had a whole proposal planned, and he even bought the ring and booked your favourite band to play afterwards," Peter finished, before joining in with Remus, who was now rolling around on the floor.

Marlene turned to Sirius with wide eyes.

"You did?"

Sirius looked worried and reached across to take both her hands in his.

"I was going to do it next Tuesday, but then you asked me to marry you and you said we could go pick out the rings together, but that you had one in mind, and I didn't want to ruin it."

"Merlin, Sirius, that's so sweet." Marlene cupped his face with one hand and kissed him on the mouth.

There was a collective sigh from the group and the couple pulled apart, Sirius looking dazed and Marlene bright red.

"You guys have changed so much," James said, smiling at them fondly.

"How?" Marlene asked.

"A few years ago, both of you were completely against marriage, had never even been in a long term relationship, and now-" he pointed at them and spread his arms wide. "Look at you."

Sirius gazed down at Marlene, his lips turned upwards, eyes sparkling.

"Look at us." 


thank you for reading! please leave a comment, it would mean a lot :) 

cate xoxo 

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