She's Driving

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated for AGES, I've been on holiday in Europe for 5 weeks. Hope you like this one! 

Cate xx

"I'm driving, Potter," Lily Evans said to her boyfriend with a finality that told him there was no point arguing.

He did anyway. 

"But Lily, it's Sirius's motorbike and I'm his best friend!" He whined as he sat astride the sleek vehicle which was as black as the night surrounding them. 

"Exactly. He knows you well enough to know you'll fuck it up, James. I'm driving, end of discussion." 

Sighing, James got off the motorcycle. He tried to make a graceful dismount but one converse clad foot (Lily had bought them for him a few months ago) somehow got caught on the handlebars and he fell off, sticking his hands out just in time to catch himself.

"Yeah you can't even get off the thing, James, how the hell do you expect to start it?"

Lily rolled her eyes as her boyfriend stood up from his strange handstand, brushing himself down and trying to look cool. For once, he failed. He was blushing all over, and as Lily swung herself up onto the bike (her skirt got tangled on the seat but James didn't need to know that) she flashed him a cheeky grin.

Grumbling, James climbed on behind her, winding his arms around her middle.

"This is so unfair."

"Life isn't fair, sweetheart." But James seemed to think it was when Lily turned around to peck him on the lips. Well, it was supposed to be a peck but...

"I don't even care about who's driving any more, Lils," James mumbled against her lips, stopping her from sliding of the motorcycle as she manoeuvred herself so her whole body was facing him.

"Oh I still am, James. Right now, in fact."

He thought she meant in the kiss. But a second later she had reached behind her and started the motorcycle. The roar of it taking off was too loud for her to hear his protests. Besides, he was too lost in her lips. Lily wound her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, making a sound as his hand found her thigh in the darkness and crept up it. The wind was rushing past them, blowing her long red hair in his face - not that he minded. Her hair smelt of flowers and vanilla, a scent so familiar and beautiful it made him ache with longing.

"James," she said suddenly, pulling away to look at him, breathing heavily. "Who's driving?"

"You are, Lily." He leant forward as though to kiss her again but got a shoulder in the face instead as she whirled around on the seat to grasp the handlebars. They were hurtling through the air, higher and higher, and the bike was making sounds that James, though not a motorcycle expert, did not think were healthy.

"James why did you kiss me!" Lily wailed, fumbling with buttons.

"If I remember correctly, you kissed me," he muttered, holding onto her waist tightly as the bike started swerving wildly.

"Fuck it, James, we're dead," Lily moaned, flopping back in his arms.

"Lily, calm down, it's a magical motorcycle. Look, it's already taking us down." He was right. Ever so slowly they were edging towards the ground, and then suddenly slowly wasn't the right word for it, because houses were whizzing past and trees were smears of green against the dark sky.
Lily had her eyes closed and was leaning so far back into James he feared he would fall off.

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