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Hope you like this one shot. I don't ship Drarry that much but I know a lot of people do so I figured I'd write a one shot for them anyway. Please suggest ships and plot lines! Thanks so much for reading.

Cate xx

"Kiss me."
He didn't answer, just touched his lips to mine. Harry always kissed me softly and sweetly, and I was the one who deepened the kiss. Right now, I was winding my arms around his waist, pulling him closer, closer, until our bodies were pressed together. Soon, I was teasing his lower lip with my tongue, stroking back and forth until he finally opened his mouth and I slid in, our kisses becoming hungrier. He opened one eye to glance towards the door of the dormitory and after whipping out his wand to lock it magically, leant into me again. I removed his glasses and kissed him again. My hands crept up the front of his shirt to grip his shoulders, and he responded by pulling back for a moment to toss his shirt on the ground before I pulled him back towards me. I'd kissed a lot of people, but Harry was different. For one, I was actually extremely attracted to him. He was also my first serious boyfriend. I didn't know whether I loved him or not, but I certainly liked him. I groaned as he slipped his hands under my shirt, fingers tracing patterns all over my torso. And then my shirt was off too, and we were stumbling backwards towards his bed, me lying on top of him as he crashed onto the mattress, and he over his hands to run fingers through my hair, causing my scalp to tingle, and I was reaching for the button of his pants, glad we'd discarded our cloaks earlier. As I fumbled with the button of my own pants, I wondered what it would feel like, going all the way with him. Not that I hadn't slept with anyone before, but I'd never had sex with Harry.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Someone yelled as the door slammed open against the wall.
I disentangled myself from Harry hurriedly to see who had interrupted us.
"Weasley," I spat as I spotted the familiar red headed, freckled Gryffindor.
He glared back at me.
"Ron!" Harry was doing his pants back up, throwing his shirt on, smoothing his hair, and I hurriedly did the same. "What are you- why are you here?"
Ron, looking horrified and glancing between the two of us as if trying to work out what was going on, took a moment to reply, "What am I doing here? I'm coming up to check if you're still alive after the hour or so you've spent in our dormitory. What are you doing here?"
Harry blushed and I bent down to retrieve his glasses from the floor. He flashed me a grateful smile and slipped them on.
"Ron? Did you find- WHAT THE FUCK?!" I didn't think I'd ever here Granger swear, but you know, first time for everything.
"Harry!" She exclaimed.
"Look, Hermione, I can explain." He started.
"No mate. No need. We're leaving now."
Weasley backed away with a look of disgust on his face, grabbing Granger's elbow on his way out.
Harry sunk onto the bed after they left, taking his glasses off once again to rub his eyes.
I sat down beside him, unsure of what to say. I didn't think he saw the humour in the situation like I did.
"Should we start where we left off?" I suggested brightly.
He glared at me, green eyes piercing. I was spared from his wrath as there was a knock at the door.
"Can I come in?" Granger again.
"Yes," Harry replied, sounding apprehensive.
She walked into the room and took a seat beside Harry, ignoring me.
"Look, Harry. Neither of us-" I knew she was talking about Weasley. "-has a problem with you being gay-"
"Bi, actually," Harry cut her off. "I liked Cho last year, remember?"
"Bi, then," Granger amended. "But Draco Malfoy? You hate him!"
"I'm right here, you know," I reminded her.
"I still do," Harry said, avoiding my eyes. "But Hermione... The way he makes me feel..."
Granger softened slightly.
"Harry, if you want to date him, go ahead. Ron might take some convincing but he'll come around eventually."
Harry shook his head rapidly.
"I don't want to date him. We have strictly no feelings relationship."
Granger wrinkled her nose in confusion.
"But you just said 'the way he makes me feel'?"
"I meant the way he makes my body feel," Harry went bright red as did Granger.
"Great way of phrasing it, Potter," I said drily.
"Well," said Granger. "I'm sure there are plenty of other men and women in this school who can make you feel just as good," her tone was matter of fact but she had a disgusted look on her face. "Just pick someone else."
I took a deep breath.
"But I don't want him to pick someone else."
"What?" Harry and Granger chorused.
"I have feelings for Harry. Not bodily feelings," I smirked at him. "Real feelings. I want to date him."
"Fine. You can be boyfriends if you want; I'm not stopping you. But you're breaking the news to Ron," she directed this last comment at Harry.
I grinned at him and barely noticed as Granger exited the room.
"So," he said shyly. "Us."
I ruffle his hair, right where it sticks up at the back, and take one of his hands.
"It's always been us."

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