New Year's Day

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"There's glitter on the floor after the party,
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby,
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor,
You and me from the night before..."

Dom Weasley walked tiredly across the glitter strewn floor of the Ravenclaw common room, her feet aching in her silver heels, her hair limp and lacklustre. New Year's Eve parties at Hogwarts were always huge, but this year had been particularly wild, as Ravenclaw had hosted for the first time in a while and the decorations, drinks and entertainment had been especially extravagant.
"Do you need some help with that?" Dom asked as she joined Carmody Brevitt where she was picking up empty bottles from beside the makeshift stage that had held the Weird Sisters, and old but still popular wizarding band. How the Ravenclaws had managed to hire them, Dom had no idea.
"Yes please," Carmody sighed.
Dom slid her wand out from the inside of her bra and coerced the shards of broken glass that littered a nearby table into a neat pile. With a wave, it disappeared.
"You know, if you used magic it would be much faster," Dom said.
"I know. I just want to do it myself, because it was such a great party and... I don't know, by doing it this way I feel like I'm holding onto it for a little longer."
"It was a great party," Dom agreed, thinking back on the dancing, music and, most of all, the quiet conversations she'd had with friends amongst the clutter.
Dom and Carmody worked in silence, sweeping glitter into dustpans and vanishing it with a spell, and picking up bottles by hand.
If someone had told her a year ago that she, Dom Weasley, self-proclaimed life of the party, the first to get drunk, the first to disappear up to a bedroom, and the first to leave when people started cleaning up, would be staying behind at a party she hadn't even hosted, cleaning up bottles with her girlfriend of six months, she wouldn't have believed them. But Dom found that she didn't miss the glamour or drunkenness of what she referred to as her "youth", and when all the bottles, broken glass, streamers, abandoned jackets and shoes and all the other mess left behind at the party had been cleaned up, she sidled up to Carmody with a smile.
"You look pretty," Dom said softly.
Carmody laughed and gave Dom's hand a squeeze. She did look pretty. Her honey coloured hair was coming out of its messy bun and wispy tendrils framed her heart shaped face, and her sea green eyes were twinkling.
"Are you drunk?"
"Nope, I only had one sip of Firewhiskey," Dom said proudly.
"Good for you," Carmody said.
She leant against one of the numerous tall bookshelves lining the walls of the Ravenclaw common room and looked up at Dom through her eyelashes. Sensing her meaning, Dom stepped forward and brushed her lips lightly over Carmody's.

Four hours earlier...

"10, 9, 8, 7..."
Dom hurried through the crowd of teenagers, her strawberry blonde hair flying out behind her, steady despite the fact she was wearing heels. She had to get to Carmody before midnight, she had to have that kiss.
"5, 4, 3, 2..."
Finally, Dom spotted Carmody glancing around wildly from beside the drinks table. Their eyes met and they both beamed and moved towards each other.
"1," and their lips met.
"Happy New Year," Carmody murmured, and pulled Dom in for another kiss.

"I want your midnights,
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day..."

Happy New Year!!
I apologise for the low quality of my writing recently, I've just been exhausted, all the time. I'm trying to get into better sleeping habits, but it's proving difficult.
Anyway, thank you for all your support in 2017. I can't believe I have over 23, 000 reads. I just can't believe it.
Wishing you all the best in the New Year,
~ Cate x

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