Sans: When He Runs Away

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~When Sans Runs Away~

You listened to guilt as you heard Papyrus beat Sans. You flinched every time you heard the slightest bit of noise.

Then you heard it. You heard the charging of a gaster blaster. You heard it fire. You heard your life stop.

After a few seconds that felt like hours, you ran into Sans' room to find Papyrus unconscious on the floor. And Sans was no where to be seen.

You ran to your brother's side and shook him. He didn't respond and you started to panic.

"SANS!" You yelled. "SANS!"

You helped Papyrus to the bed and ran out, grabbing your leather glove from the hall. You ran outside as you put it on.

You ran straight to Grillby's. The door slammed open fast enough to make the bell break. All eyes were on you. But guess what? You didn't give a crap!

You ran to the purple fire monster and was ready to run again if needed.

"Have you seen Sans? Like in the past few minutes? Please tell me if you did!" You ranted.

"I haven't. (Y/N), what's wrong? Why do you need Sans?" Grillby tried to calm up and ask you questions. You didn't have time.

"I HAVE TO GO! CALL ME IF HE STOPS BY!" You yelled as you ran out, not caring if you ran into anyone.

You just wanted Sans to be okay. You know how he got when he had his tantrums.

~Sans POV~

Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! What did I do? Why did I do that!? (Y/N) must be running around like her head's cut off!

I paced in the snow. I was deep in the woods. No one could find me even if they tried. I come here mostly to get away from Papyrus.

I was shaking. What do you expect me to do!?

Do you want me to walk in and say: "Oh I am so sorry! Please have mercy! It was an accident!" What a joke! I'LL BE BEATEN TO A PULP!

I remember last time when I ran off. (Y/N) was three at the time. I came home and there she was, sitting there in front of the door. Waiting. She looked innocent in her red and black pajamas, sitting with her legs crossed.

When I came through that door, oh boy! She hugged me tight and started sobbing! And this was at two in the morning! And I left at nine! She stayed up for hours. Waiting.

I can't imagine what her reaction is! She must be so broken right now... But I am not going back. And if (Y/N) was in her right mind, she shouldn't either.

You think I like it when she gets punished by Papyrus? NO! Heck! I have to punch something hard enough to make my knuckles bleed to stop myself from hurting Papyrus for beating her! Papyrus may also mean the world to me, but he has no right to beat on our youngest sister! Do you see me beating on them? NO!

I just hope she's okay...

~Your POV~

You felt red tears fall down your cheekbones.

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