Sans: When You Have A Nightmare

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~When You Have A Nightmare~

It was dark, cold, brutal. You watched as the human gripped their knife and ran after the Boss. You gasped when the human sliced him like butter.

"B-Boss! P-Papyrus!" You screamed as loud as you could. The human snapped their head towards your direction.

"Run." Was the last thing Papyrus said before blowing off into the wind, filling the air of his dust.

The human ran at you, you barely dodged. But the human came back around and sliced your nonexistent stomach clean.

You shot up, hyperventilating. You looked around, gripping your blanket tight. You felt your imaginary stomach for a knife, only to fine none.

You threw your legs over your bed, throwing the blanket to the side. You looked at your shaking hands, still breathing hard and heavy.

You grabbed your red coat and put it on, opening your door softly and looking around. You snuck down the hall into Sans's room.

You slowly opened the door and walked in. Sans was asleep on his mattress, snoring happily in his dream.

You walked over to his bed and bent down to the mattress. You hesitated to shake Sans awake.

"S-Sans?" You peeped. You said no more.

Sans growled and turned over on his back. He covered his eyes with his arm and sighed.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" He asked harshly.

You sniffed, not controlling your fear. Sans moved his arm and sat up, looking at you. He saw your shaking frame and his eyes softened.

"Hey, what happened?" Sans asked, softly.

You felt hot tears fall from your face and attacked Sans with a hard hug. He rubbed soft circles in your back to not hurt you. You cried into his sweater and choked a sob.

"I-I had a nightmare...." You hiccuped.

Sans sighed and hugged you. "And you came to me because Boss would tell you to suck it up?"

You were silent.

Sans sighed again and laid down with you in his arms. "You can sleep with me. I'll make sure to scare those nightmares away, no problem."

You nodded, not knowing how to approach this. Sans yawned and got comfortable.

"Night, ya little squirt." Sans said and fell right asleep.

You yawned too and slowly closed your eyes. You heard he door open and shot your head to the direction to see the Boss. I guess he didn't see your sudden movement and sighed.

"It won't hurt to give them a bit longer..." You heard Boss whisper to himself. He closed the door softly and you smiled.

He really was a softy.

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