Sans: When You Get Sick

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~When You Get Sick~

You slowly sat up, not feeling well. You were in a daze for a moment, staring at the wall in front of you.

You brought yourself to stand and felt light headed. You fell back on our bed and groaned in pain.

You then realized you were sick. You gulped at the thought. Boss wood be mad... Sans would tell you to suck it up.

You wobbled k the door and locked it. You slid down the door and whimpered from the sickness. You crawled to bed and snugged the blanket tight.

"(Y/N)! Time for breakfast!" Said a voice. You shivered from being cold-despite you being a skeleton.

"N-No thanks!" You called back, shaking.

You heard someone try to open the door, only to find it locked. "(Y/N), why is your door locked?"

"N-No reason. I just want t-to be a-alone..." You shivered.

The person on the other side sighed. "This isn't you, sis. What's wrong?" Sans Asked.

"N-Nothing. I'm just tired and want to be alone." You didn't lie there, you were tired.

"(Y/N)..." Sans said with aggression in his tone. "Open this door. Now."

You thought hard. You would open the door and get punished for not obeying and pretend you were fine. Or, you could not open the door and get punished for not obeying and get yourself no door. Your choice.

"S-San, can I sleep in a while longer? I-I didn't sleep v-very well-l..." You lied.

"The Boss won't want that, (Y/N). What is with you today? Your not acting like yourself." Sans said, trying the door again.

"Just tired." You said quickly. If he knew you were sick, he would probably do something to you...

"(Y/N), tell me." Sans said a bit softer. You were... surprised.

You stayed quiet as you shook. You felt your eyes get hot. You wanted to talk about it, but from all of here years you learned many things. But the one that stuck out most was the biggest: Don't show your pain.

Of course, you hide the emotional pain. Being sick was a part of that emotional pain. It messed with your emotions and made you feel... vulnerable.

"(Y/N), please?" Sans Asked again. You had enough.

You slowly got out of bed and hovered over the doorknob. You just stared at it.

You took a deep breath and coughed out your exhale. You groaned and slowly unlocked the door. You opened it a crack and saw Sans sitting on the floor, back to the door.

He noticed the movement and looked. He saw the small portion of your eye and skull. Sans stood up and looked at the part he saw.

"Can I come in, (Y/N)? Please?" Sans asked in a soft whisper. You thought a moment, hesitating, but opened it.

Sans walked in and closed the door. He saw how tired you looked, how shaken you were,how weak you were.

"Sis-" Sans hugged you tight and sat, setting you in his lap. "Why did you try to hide yourself from me? Your sick..."

You hugged your big brother and felt a few tears escape. "I-I thought you w-wouldn't c-care..."

"Sis, of course I care! Your my baby sister! I'm going to care for you no matter what it is." Sans said softly. You relaxed and coughed into your arm.

Sans sighed and picked you up, laying you over his shoulder. You laughed as Sans twirled around with you.

"Come on! Give me that big smile!" Sans said. You smiled brightly, forgetting about your moment and laughing.

Sans always knew what to do. He was, after all, your big brother.

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