Chapter 27: All on My Mind

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"I'm thinking casual," I admitted somewhat nervously. "What do you think?" I asked looking to the one face that mattered. "I think we should quietly go on vacation to Italy," I continued when I was met with encouragement. "And we should get married in a villa or something that we can house our families in and we are without anyone but our families and closest friends," I suggested nervously.

"Ivy, are you sure?" The voice I'd been waiting for asked. Around me sat the whole family. Analeigh was sat next to Ellen who was sat next Leo who was sat next to Geri who was sat next to Bea who was sat next to Georgie who was sat next to Desmond who was sat next to me. Analeigh was obviously excited to be asked her opinion. Ellen was beaming. Leo looked as though he couldn't care about anything less. Geri was smiling encouragingly. Georgie and Bea looked surprised. And Desmond was looking on expectantly. "You don't have to make a decision based on paparazzi. We can get security." He reassured.

"It's just a thought, if you don't like it, we'll do whatever you want," I backtracked anxiously. All of the eyes on me was stressing me out.

"That sounds like the perfect wedding, Ivy. How's May?" Desmond suggested looking around the group and no one protested.

"Can you leave so we can plan the outfit?" Georgie begged impatiently.

"Leo that means you too!" Geri shooed both men from the room. Though Desmond refused to leave without a kiss.

"We'll be back in 20 minutes with the pizzas so you'd better get to designing," Desmond called to his sister as he left the house.

"Alright, I've got three casual options already mocked up for you. Here's what I was thinking." She informed, laying out three small boards. Each was adorned with a fabric sample, beading sample, and sketch.

I immediately knew which one was right. Before me was a dress with plain, grayish white satin bodice with sweetheart neckline. The skirt flowed away from the body made of gray tulle that had a choppy, ethereal pattern. Around the thinnest part of my waist was a silver and crystal belt. I couldn't help picture us taking photos in front of the ocean in our bare feet. Desmond with a steel grey suit, looking more dapper than ever and me with my tear stained face looking more in love than ever. "This one," I whispered, pointing at it. "That's the one," I nodded looking around. Ellen had tears in her eyes when mine met hers and I smiled.

"I thought so," Georgie smiled. "That's the one I made with Desmond's taste and your body in mind."

"How did you do it so fast?" I directed Georgie.

"Uhhh," Georgie looked at Geri and the rest of us turned to see a rather mischevious looking Geri.

"I told her I sent Desmond the ring." She grinned and I shook my head.

"You know people think we rushed into this all but I think Geri pushed us toward it," I theorized with a smile. I think we rushed into this all. The thought turned my stomach. My biggest fear and regret has always been instability. Rash and spontaneous decisions have always been my down fall. And yet here I was, picking my life partner after knowing him for two months. So much had happened just in these last few days: sëx, sëx, visit from my ex, (somehow this has become a rhyme) sex, sex, proposal, concert, meeting my idol, hiding in a bakery kitchen because fan girls, oral sex, sex, (the rhyming stopped, I guess) meeting the in-laws, dumping my history on Desmond, Desmond letting me into his past, more in-laws, sex, and now here we are discussing wedding plans. That was literally 3 months or perhaps years worth of major life events in 3 days. Am I crazy for doing this? I debated panicking but when I looked up to see Geri's feigned innocence and her blues eyes alight with the same mischief I loved seeing in Desmond's I couldn't find a single fuck to give.

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