Chapter 15: Hey Leonardo

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I pulled on my dressing robe. It was the only thing that was suitable to cover up with, having dried myself with a tiny towel, because we'd yet to go linen shopping. "How does this whole thing work?" I asked as I stood in front of the mirror. Desmond in front of his sink and me in front of mine. That felt very adult.

"You're going to have the deluxe treatment. A whole host of people will be taking over our bedroom and you and Ellen will have nails, make up, hair, and wardrobe styled." He grinned at me as he took his towel off his body and rubbed it on his mop of unruly hair. I couldn't help but glance at his body as he did so. "Ivy?" He called as I watched the left-over water glisten on his defined chest. The tattooed quote on his ribs was punctuated with droplets of water and I had the sudden urge to lick the words that inspired him all those years ago:

It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate on the Barren Thorns. His soul swooned softly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and falling faintly of their last end, upon all living and the dead. - James Joyce, The Dubliners

I was mesmerized by the words the first time I read them. Now I wanted to taste them on my tongue not through reading aloud but by physically running my tongue over them. "Ivy!" He shouted, he was waving his arms in front of my face now.

"What?" I choked and cleared my throat.

"You're insatiable. I saw that look." He laughed. "Come kiss me," He beckoned me with a finger. I shook my head biting my bottom lip. "Ivy," his tone was warning and I wanted to obey but I also didn't want to get enrapt in him once more. My side of the bathroom was closest to the door. I knew I had the advantage to escape. "Come here, Ivy," he growled and I grinned.

"Nope!" I shrieked and dashed for the door. As I came out of it he caught me round the waist, spun me around, and held me against the wall. His arms acted as a cage on either side of my head. I panted in anticipation. Or because I had just run five feet. Let's go with anticipation.

"You naughty girl. What am I going to do with you?" He asked. He brushed his lips against my neck and nibbled at the sensitive skin.

"What do you want to do with me?" I replied boldly and idiotically. Why am I starting something when a crew of strangers will be here any minute? I became intensely aware of the fact that the only thing between us was my silk and lace robe. Desmond had abandoned his towel completely in pursuit of me.

"Oh, I can think of a whole host of things to do to you, darling. First, I'm going to-" but he was cut off by the swinging open of our bedroom door.

I looked up to see Ellen and three people I've never met before with a wheeled rack of clothing and more bags than seemed necessary. I looked back to Desmond who now had his eyes closed and his lips in a very straight line. "Hey bestie! Whatcha doing?" Ellen cried over in the same sing songy voice that Leo so often uses. I could hardly hold in my laughter.

"Stop looking at my boyfriend's äss, Ellenaphant!" I shot back.

"Can you step out so I can put on some skivvies?" Desmond asked. His gaze was fixed on mine now and I grinned, taunting him with wiggling eyebrows.

"Nah, I want to see what's got Ivers all hot and bothered!" Ellen called. Two of the three people I didn't know had turned away. The third seemed to be rooted to the spot. I suddenly became territorial. I slipped out from under Desmond and stepped to block his rear. I felt him shift behind me. "You're no fun. I would let you see Leo's stuff." She pouted.

I crossed my arms over my chest with a scowl. "I don't want to see Leo's anything." I snapped. Desmond snaked his arms around me and used me to shield him.

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