Chapter 4: The Broad Majestic Shannon

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Author's Note: Just a reminder, The Barren Thorns has a Spotify playlist that I suggest. For each chapter published, there are 3-5 songs that set the aesthetic, somewhat. Really it's just a great playlist of rock songs. Each chapter's playlist starts with the chapter title song. Find it here: - it's titled The Barren Thorns if you are to search it.

Please don't forget to vote and share if you enjoy it and I love comments! Whenever you find any typos, please let me know!

Let's rock and roll...

"Bollacks," I heard a British accent grumble and felt an arm pulling me tighter. Last night wasn't a dream?

"It was very real, darling." Desmond's voice was rough and sexy. I felt his breath on my face and I opened my eyes.

"Did I say that out loud?" I rasped, my voice deep from sleep. I tried to roll away in his arms but he pulled me tighter.

"Sorry. Where do ya think yer going?" I heard the rumble again. His Irish accent seemed to be more intense in the morning.

"I was trying to see the world," I said struggling in his tight grasp.

"Five more minutes," Desmond cuddled closer.

"Alright," I succumbed easily and snuggled closer. "Is Ellen still sleeping?" I asked.

"No, she woke up Leo 10 minutes ago so they could order us all some breakfast. I reckon my other mates are out there too." He explained, still not letting me go.

"We shouldn't go out until after the food arrives," I thought of the promise I made to my father the previous evening. "I promised my dad I wouldn't let room service see me." He pulled away slightly to look at my face with confusion. "Right, sorry, my dad owns this hotel and he didn't want gossip about how his daughter was 'partying with rock stars' to get around among the staff." I shrugged. He seemed to consider this for a moment and I added, "I think it's really that he didn't want the staff to resent me when they clean up in here because they would then resent him as well." I smiled.

"Do you mind the gossip, then?" He seemed nervous and as if he were studying my reaction.

"Not particularly." I shrugged. "Why?"

"Um," he paused biting his bottom lip. "Well," he seemed to be having an internal debate. "IwanttotakeyouonadateifImay," his words came out as one big jumble. I grinned.

"Are you nervous to ask me out?" I mocked with a mix of shock and amusement.

"Kind of," He whispered and then added, "dating me isn't as simple as last night was." He took my fingers that lay on his chest and kissed them.

"Because of the gossip," I nodded in realization. "Can I tell you something?" He nodded, looking at me with those beautiful emerald eyes. "At the risk of sounding a little... presumptuous and possibly clingy..." he nodded again, encouraging me to continue. "Well, I don't date much. My last relationship was a train wreck. Every step of the way. It started off the rails and stayed that way for 3 years before he totally and utterly ripped my heart out and stomped on it." I blabbered. Then I swallowed and he rubbed my cheek gently with his deliciously calloused thumb. "Last night, everything I did with you was so out of character for me. I don't know why but... something... felt..." I paused and bit my lip, searching for a word that lacked cliché.

"I know what you're saying, I'm not ready to tell you why I may be guarded from time to time. But know that I get it and that you can always tell me whatever you want or feel." He sat up and pulled me up with him. And I sat beside him with my fingers now laced with his and my head laying on his shoulder. "So, does all that mean that you'll go out on a date with me after our show tonight?" He rubbed his thumb along my palm and studied our fingers intently.

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