Chapter 16: Forever

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A/N: this one is dedicated to MMpekansambo who single handedly made my comments number explode. Thank you for your wit and commentary, I enjoy it immensely.

I know, that's what the happy tears were for. The realization that I was right about you and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you Boneen," he quipped nonchalantly and I balked.

"Wh-what?" I asked. Nope. Obviously I misheard him. Nope. It's just over two months. NOPE.

"I said I want to marry you, darling." He grinned and stepped away from me. "Hold on," He ran into the bathroom and came back a moment later with a small velvet box. "My mum sent this to me when I sent her pictures of the house a few weeks ago. I wouldn't have done such a thing as buy a girl a house if I didn't want to marry her, says she. It was my grandmother's. The one I told you about. The one whose husband taught me the tricks to a successful marriage." He opened the box and took the ring out. "So, will ya?" He asked with a nervous smile.

I stared at the ring outstretched to me for at least a while minute, eyes wide and mouth agape. It was Art Deco style with probably a karat of diamond. It was stunning and non-ostentatious. It was perfect for me. "I know you want it but it comes with the agreement to marry me." Desmond reminded nervously and I laughed.

"Of course, I'll marry you, you Limey bästärd. I love you. I'm just surprised as fück." I blurted.

"Aw, there's my crass yank!" He grinned lifting me into the air causing me to squeal and giggle. "Here," He said planting me on the ground and immediately taking my left hand in his and then sliding the ring on my finger. I grinned as I looked down at it. "I didn't have it sized. It's kind of a miracle it fit. My grandmum was tiny." I admired it.

"It's beautiful, Desmond. Holy shït. I'm like the luckiest woman in the world. I get you and great jewelry?" I joked.

"I love you, Boneen," he kissed my ear and I looked at my finger on his shoulder still amazed.

"I love you too," I kissed him on the lips for a minute or two to prove it. As I pulled my lips from his I wiped a bit of smudged lipstick off his lips with my thumb and he smiled. "Did you ask Ellen if you could marry me before you proposed?"

His face paled. "Oh, God. Take the ring off. I don't want a bloody nose." He grumbled, instinctually pinching the bridge of his nose.

I laughed and shook my head. "Relax, I'll protect you." I took his hand from his face and laced our fingers. "Come on." I led him out the door and down the stairs. "Ellenaphant?" I cooed as I rounded the corner.

"What did you do?" She called from the kitchen. We found Denise and Ellen and Leo enjoying a bottle of champagne.

"It's more like what I didn't do," Desmond mumbled. He'd pulled my left hand and was covering it completely. "Do you want me to tell her?"

"Nope, she doesn't have any qualms about hurting you but she's hesitant with me." I reasoned.

"But I feel like I should protect y-"

"Shh!" I insisted.

"What did you do?" She accused pointedly and Leo stepped away from her.

"He made me incredibly happy so don't ruin this by being selfish." She looked taken aback and Desmond looked in awe of me.

"I am not selfish." Ellen defended crossing her arms over her chest. Leo retreated from Ellen further.

"Good because Desmond asked me to marry him." I announced.

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