Chapter 17: Dimples

Start from the beginning

"Hi... are you ok, Desmond?" She asked anxiously.

"He is. He's just angsty. We could use some fresh air, got any around?" I asked before Desmond could answer.

"Uh, is that a euphemism? I don't have drugs if that's what you're asking," she replied with a furrowed brow.

I erupted in laughter. "No, I'm being literal. Do you have a place we can just get a little fresh air?" I clarified. "Preferably sans cameras?"

"Oh, right, sorry. You'd be amazed how often I'm approached to procure illicit substances." She admitted, her relief evident. "Down at that end," she pointed. "There is a set of stairs with roof access. That's where people go to smoke usually but most people are occupied now since the show's started so it should be open and probably pretty much to yourselves." She responded before looking at her phone. "I have to run, you good?" She confirmed. I nodded and she ran off in the other direction.

"Come on," I repeated and headed for the door that LeAnn had recommended.

As we walked out into the night air, a breeze caused a shiver to rush through me and I instinctively wrapped my arms around myself. "Here, darling," Desmond murmured draping his suit jacket over my shoulders. I smiled as I looked up at him. He left his arm around my shoulder. "Why do you let people talk about and to you the way that bloke did?" He asked looking over the view of the city that we were facing.

I considered this question a moment, "Because they aren't worth it," I explained simply. "They do these things and say these things because they want us to react."

"But he has no right. You stood up to Logan, why not this guy?" He huffed. He took his arm away and rubbed his face with both hands, clearly agitated.

I watched him another minute before answering, "I stood up to Logan because he's my baggage and my problem. Trevor isn't my problem."

"That's the dïckhëäd, then? Trevor?" He grunted. "He is friends with Logan I guess?"

"They became friends through dating Ellen and me. They stuck by each other after Logan and I split. Ironically, Ellen caught Trevor cheating because he was doing it at Logan's and Logan had my snowboard and refused to give it back. So Ellen went to fetch it for me." I snorted. "She even broke in."

He chuckled lightly at this before few minutes of gentle silence passed, both of us lost in our own realities. "I'm worried that's not the end of it. I feel if we don't nip it in the bud, they'll continue."

"They'll get bored eventually. They want to get a rise out of me. They want you to try to fight them. They want me to fight with you about it. They want Ellen and me to feel like we aren't good enough. Why would I let them have what they want? Does it mean more that I say nothing? It's not like I'm rolling over. I'm walking away. There's a huge difference." I stated looking over at him.

He was smiling softly. "I love you, you know that?" He asked pulling me into him and kissing my head, the mood completely shifting.

"I had a hunch but what makes you say that now?" I asked shifting my arm about his waist and leaning into him.

"Because I'm spontaneous and impulsive and I make rash decisions. You are calculated and thoughtful and yet you want to spend forever with my unworthy ärsë." He laughed.

"I think where you are thoughtful, I am impulsive. You always say these perfect, beautiful things. I on the other hand say things like 'of course I'll marry you, you Limey bastard,'" I flushed at the memory. "I think we're worthy of one another," I added confidently.

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