Goodbye, my love...Chapter 25

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   Winter's Pov

   I decided to go see Zack today, I haven't heard from him in a while, nor have I seen my phone nor any of my other important belongings, I tried to look for my bag in my secret hiding place where I put my wig but nowhere in sight.I decided I had to see him tonight, I feel as if the proxies and my father are on to me and that it would be really hard to see Zack.I planned on laying low for a while until the suspicion dies down, if I don't our lives could crumble right before our very eyes, I just don't want zack to suffer this fate because of me.

   I had to leave to tell him the situation i'm in, I quickly trot down the stairs as I passed Ben and Jeff talking about god knows what.

Ben: Where are you going winter?

Winter: Practice!

Jeff: Let us come with you to help.

Winter: No really i'm fine I kinda want to work alone...

Ben: Alright just be careful.

Jeff: I'll just tell the proxies where you are at.

Winter: I already told need to worry.

Jeff:(suspicious tone)...Alright then...have fun.

Winter: Thanks, Jeff.

   I head out the door without another word to them, I had to make sure they don't follow me, I decided to climb the trees and jump to everyone for it can be easier to lose my trail.I started to climb, I could feel the firm yet tough bark against my pale skin as I tried to avoid getting too dirty from the sap, the pine needles, and splinters in my skin.I jump from tree to tree trying to be precise with every jump for I won't fall flat on my face, it hurts due to the firm bark against my gentle white as snow skin but I had to do this for I won't get caught.

   After what it seemed like ages I finally made it to the great hollowed willow tree, I quickly climb down the pine infested tree as I dust myself off from the pine sap and needles, I rush over to the sacred tree.I ran inside the hollow tree to find where Zack is at the moment.

Winter: (worried tone)Zack! Zack where are you!

   I could hear footsteps approach me, the clink clangs of Zack's footsteps hitting the iron steps as he made his way downstairs to the front where I was standing.

Zack: Winter what's wrong?

Winter: They might be on to us!

Zack: We need to stop seeing each other for a while, I will see you next time, we need to get out of here before they get here.

Winter: Let's go.

Zack: (saddened tone)I guess I'll see you within your dreams instead...

Winter: (disappointed tone)Yeah.

   We quickly head out of the sacred tree until I feel the air go uneasy, the atmosphere became heavy all of a sudden, I feel eyes on us immediately, watching our every move.We bunch up together ready for a fight I knew Zack had my back and I had his, out of nowhere I could see tentacles coming out of the forest, fight arose from the forest as it disrupts the atmosphere.I could see the man I call father in such anger with disappointment splattered all over his face his tentacle grabbed me by the waist as the proxies were by his side.

   Father tried to attack Zack but Zalgo came to his aid to defend him, ashes and smoke filled the air, I wasn't able to see anyone else but Zack watching helplessly as my father and Zalgo battle.Dad was trying to hold off Zalgo, then I feel an arm around my waist I look up to see Toby picking me up from the waist and running as fast as he could.I tried to escape but he was too strong, in the distance, I could see my father fight Zalgo and his minions while Masky plus Hoodie were with him, I could see Zalgo's minions take Zack away.

   I realized how bad I messed up, because of me I might never see Zack again, I could feel the tears dripping down against my pale skin as Zack starts to slowly fade away.

Winter: (whispering yet saddened tone) He was the only thing that made me feel sane...

Toby: (cold yet confused tone)What?

Winter: (angered tone)Just shut know nothing...

Toby: (annoyed tone)Shut it, kid.

Winter: You have no idea what is coming... I guess it already started.

Toby: (confused tone)What started?

Winter: I just thought they were dreams but they were visions of the future...the end of my father's legacy I guess you should say...or in other words...our job is to prepare for war and keep Morana alive.

Toby: Who is Morana and what war?

Winter: Morana...oh isn't she quite the devil...the war I was talking about it's all because of your fault.

Toby: Who's fault?

Winter: (formal tone)Ours...the creepypasta...our selfish ways got us here and our children pay the price, the cycle continues because we allow it.

Toby: Answer me this then...who wins the war and who are we even fighting?

Winter: All I know is if we don't fix our past it could be the end of our existence.

Toby: (cocky tone)What makes you so sure?

Winter: What will happen next is Frank getting Kira pregnant.

Toby: (disbelief tone)No way.

Winter: You wanna make a deal with the devil.

Toby: Bet you one hundred dollars.

Winter: I just want you to look the other way when I'm out.

Toby: (witty tone)You know I can't do that so no.

   I could feel more eyes on us as I could see Zalgo's minions arise from the ashes,Toby put me down for he could fight them off, fire just spreads even more as the flames rise, in the flames I could see Zack but not the normal Zack I knew.Zack had horns this time, icey flames to the touch, a tail from a monkey, ears like goblins, a sword that flared in blue flames but his eyes were pure red,the type of red from pools of human blood.I could feel a hand, I look to see Zalgo's minions trying to grab me but Zack grabbed me first,he was so fast like a lightning bolt maybe faster, the minions trembled in fear.

Minion 1: (shocked tone)Master what are you doing?!?!

Zack: (forceful tone)Leave minions.

Minion 3: Our job is to protect you and get miss White.

Zack: (strict tone)I gave you an order now follow it or there will be dire consequences.

Minion 2: Why are you helping her?!?!

 Zack: Because she is my dutchess and I would do anything to keep her from harm's way and if anyone gets in my way they will crumble now I suggest you GETTING THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE I BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT AM I UNDERSTOOD!

Minions: (understanding tone)Yes master.

   I could see all three minions leaving into the forest but they're speed was not as fast as Zack's I glance Zack's way, Toby is just confused about what is going on.

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