Really? chapter 11

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   Kira's Pov

   Everyone starts to get up and go to their classes I see Frank walking with his friends while I walked with Misty to my class.I look at my schedule and which class I would be in, my teacher was Ms.Quinn, I came to my class because that was the first one on my schedule I saw so many people which made me feel uneasy but I tried to find an empty seat.I could see the teacher come in with neatly piled papers, she put her papers to the side on her desk and sits down very gracefully.

   She was very organized because all the books on her shelves are organized by the alphabet, author, color, shape, size, and weight. Ms.Quinn had her hair in a neat bun with some of her hair is neatly on both sides in a thin curl, she has big purple glasses which matched her big black eyes nicely.She was rather modern but she didn't seem like the revealing type, her heels made her formal but modern.

Ms.Quinn: (formal tone)If everyone could take a seat.

   Everyone starts to quiet down and sit in their seats I quickly find an empty seat next to a rather strange boy, his hair was a light brown but his eyes were a deep blue like a sapphire he seemed more of an introvert I had this uneasy feeling about him.

Ms.Quinn: We have a new student, Kira come introduce yourself.

   Of course, she had to put me in the spotlight so I stand up and come to the front of the class I can feel all eyes on me.I notice the same boy who was sitting to my left was looking at me he noticed that I was looking at him so he shot me a slight smile almost as if he was saying "it's ok".

Ms.Quinn: Tell us your name, your goals, and how what your family is like.

Kira: Kira Price is my name, I have no goals, and i...

   I pause for a moment in that moment a flashback came when I was in my room and mom was outside of my room with dad arguing I hear a slap, then scream, then footsteps, the banging on my door just got louder.All I could hear is screaming, crying, begging for my dad to stop, I was scared while I was in the corner of my room holding my stuff bear he demanded me to open the door mom said "don't open it!", I could hear another slap.

   I was screaming and crying all at once for it all can stop I was only five years old but I remember as if it were yesterday but I quickly snap out of it.I realize i'm still in the middle of the class everyone is still waiting for an answer from me.

Ms.Quinn: (concerned tone)Are you ok Ms.Price?

Kira: I think i'm done here.

   I quickly go back to my seat trying to process what just happened, I froze in front of the whole class I don't know what happened everyone is confused about how I acted.

Ms.Quinn: Today class you would read page two through page seventeen and you have to study for the science test i'm going to give you it's tomorrow but since Ms.Price is new she only has to read page two through seventeen but she doesn't have to do the test.

   When she said this all the kids groan and complained I just didn't care I was too distracted, too dazed so I just kept looking out the window not paying attention to what ms.quinn was saying.I just kept wishing I was at home with Frank throwing blow darts at the wall or that we would go hunting for deer, rabbits, or wolfs if we are lucky.A couple hours pass by it's one o'clock it's time for lunch all the highschoolers race out the door leaving me and Ms.Quinn behind.

   I walk towards the door leaving Ms.Quinn to grade papers man the hallways were packed but I walked where everyone else was walking because I had no idea where I was walking.I came to the cafeteria I saw everyone grabbing a lunch so I followed the rest of the students when I got my lunch they said I had to pay, I realized I had no money on me.I saw the same strange boy from earlier he was kind enough to pay for my lunch but I never had the time to thank him because he left quickly before I had the chance to thank him.Of course, i was alone again by myself at a table eating my food while I was playing chess then out of nowhere two girls came up to me.

   They looked like spoiled brats to me, they seemed very girly, bossy, and divas but were kinda pretty.The girl to the left had brown long straightened hair that was mostly down, dark brown eyes to show how greedy she was, she wore a lovely pink skirt, a white blouse, and pointed heels.She looked way smarter than the girl to the right and much prettier but she looked like a spoiled rich ass brat who wants attention plus she seemed like the bossy type.The girl to the left had black hair sort of long hair but her hair was in a ponytail, she had black eyes, lightly tanned skin, pink pointed heels, white skirt, pink blouse, and silver huge earings.

Kylie: (cheerful tone)Hello welcome to Soto high my name is Kylie it's so nice to see you.

Kim: My name is Kim it is a pleasure meeting you um-er-

Kira: (flat tone)You mean Kira.

Kylie: Yes Kira so I was wondering since your new would you like to come to my party that i'm throwing what do you say?

Kim: It's gonna be this Friday if you are interested.

Kira: I got plans that day so I can't go.

Kylie: (disappointed but slightly spiteful tone)That really is a shame I planned on inviting "everyone" in the "entire school" to go I really did hope we can be friends.

Kira: I just can't go that day but maybe next time.

   I quickly got up and walked away from those girls, there is something up with them they really think i'm that stupid i'm not risking it, the way they are as people mean they are trouble I have no idea what they want from me or why they are after me.If they shoot first i'm not hesitating to shoot them back, one thing I know for sure is no one messes with me and gets away with it if they think that they have another surprise coming to them.I get back to class and finish the day when the day was done Frank, Winter, the twins, Tina, and I went home.

how did I fall for you?!?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora