Rebel chapter 3

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   (ps.this is another one of my characters I really do love her,hope you love her to.)

   Masky and you started walking towards the car, you both got into the car, it took about thirty-two minutes to get to the orphanage, most of the car ride was quiet.When both of you got out of the car with one look at the orphanage you felt sadness, it looked boring, no colors were shown, slowly both of you started to head towards the gate.When you walked through those doors little girls and boys were laughing and playing with each other.

(y/n): We are here to adopt a child.

Women: what type?

Masky: Any type.

Women: (formal tone)If you want babies they are to the right the left will be children and toddlers are straight ahead.

(y/n): Thank you.

Women: When you are done with picking a child come to the front desk to sign papers and to pay.

Masky: Alright.

   Slowly you and Masky start to walk away, you came across the babies and toddlers you went off to play with them as Masky went off to see the children.Masky saw many children when the kids saw him they started running towards him full of excitement in their eyes the kids really did want to be adopted but one kid was at the window looking out.

   Masky got a good long look at the kid he noticed the kid was a girl, she didn't make an attempt to move, she didn't even glance his way, she had no emotions expressed on her face.Slowly Masky started walking towards the kid but a little girl stopped Masky in his tracks.Masky looked at her she had pigtails, blonde hair, pink glasses, a pink dress, white shoes, and an adorable smile.

Girl: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Masky: Why?

Girl: Kira will get mad.

Masky: So that's her name.

Girl: I suggest you find someone else.

Masky: Why?

Girl: She is considered a god, the boss of everyone in this orphanage, she won't talk to you she doesn't like people like you, you have no chance.

Masky: Why is she dangerous and what makes her dangerous?

Girl: She had a dark past that she will not talk about, she is distant, if you try to take her place as the boss you have another thing coming to you.

Masky: How will she keep her place?

Girl: She will beat you to a bloody pulp, when she was faced with the eighth graders she really showed them she would even do this to adults only if she would feel insulted, threatened, being commanded, or if her authority is being tested.

Masky: I'm gonna try either way.

Girl: I wish you luck.

   When Masky tried to approach Kira he was stopped.

Kira: (demanding tone)Stop right there.

Masky: My name is Tim

Kira: Did I ask you who you are, no, now quit the small talk and get to the wait you are here to adopt me.

Masky: Why else would I be here.

Kira: Then you better take a hike because you have no chance, i'm not interested in you, you're too normal.

Masky: What makes you say that?

Kira: You bore me, you are just like everyone else so simple-minded.

Masky: Hey (y/n) come here.

   You slowly started to walk up to Masky and this girl.

(y/n): Who is she Tim?

Masky: This is our future daughter kira.

(y/n): Hello Kira.

Kira: (honest tone)You guys disgust me, you annoy me, I can tell i'm going to despise you.

Masky: I love your attitude, I want to adopt her.

(y/n): Miss can we adopt this child.

   The women starts to walk towards us her expression on her face was joyful it turned into a scared look.

Women: All you have to do is sign the papers.

Masky: So we don't have to pay?

Women: as long as she never comes back.

Kira: You guys are such idiots.

Women: But please be good Kira.

Kira: You aren't my mother, you don't own me i'm not just one of your many toys.

   The three of you walk to the front desk, as masky and you start to fill out the papers Kira was sitting down as all the other kids were free from her rain the kids were filled with light once again.When the papers were signed Kira got her suitcase and the three of you started to walk out of the orphanage, masky put Kira's suitcase in the trunk and the three of them drove off to slender mansion.During the car ride, Kira spoke no words she just kept looking through the car window pondering her thoughts.

   When you three arrived, they headed out the car, grabbed Kira's suitcase and walked inside but the pastas were very confused about what is going on.

Jeff: Who is she?

(y/n): She is our dau-

Kira: I have no family, you know nothing about me so stop trying to be my perfect mother or friend because you will never be.

To Be Continued...

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