Two Lost Souls Chapter 5

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(ps. this chapter is longer than usual i hope you like it)

Kira's Pov

   I'm still with this boy trying to get his pocket knife from "Jeff" I have a feeling about this one but I can't describe this feeling it isn't love or anything but it's something different... I guess something better but what?.I don't know but I have this connection with this boy that I never felt with anyone else it's almost as if we were supposed to be...potential best friends or even more but knowing me I have no friends so I don't want to get my hopes up. The boy signals me to go into the room first and follows behind me when I entered the room no one was in sight but damn did this guy have weapons to show I had the urge to steal a knife.

   Me and this boy start to search the room finally he finds his pocket knife we were about to head out the door but some's footsteps were coming up the stairs I start guessing that Jeff is about to come into his room luckily there was a window it had vines on the side.The window was left open so we could get out without Jeff noticing so quickly the boy starts to climb out the window and down the vines he was now on the ground.I had to climb out now just as I was climbing down the vines I hear the doorknob start to turn I was still in view of being seen so I had to jump or get caught because I know that I won't climb down in time.

Frank: (impatient tone)Fucking jump!

Kira: I'm scared!

Frank: It's ok I'll catch you but hurry before he catches you!

Kira: You better catch me!

   Just as the door was about to open I let go of the vines and it is four stories up as I fell the gravity starts to push me down with brute force I wasn't screaming but inside I knew I wanted to cry my eyes out.I kept falling then I felt something hit me but it wasn't the floor it was that boy, he put me on top of him and wrapped his arms around me he was behind me we were falling in mid-air.When we fell he protected me from the fall instead of me taking damage he took the damage I felt bad.

Kira: I'm so sor-

Frank: (demanding tone)Stop right there I hate it when people feel sorry for me.

Kira: (calm tone)I never had the chance to ask your name.

Frank: Oh right the name is frank woods, what's your name?

Kira: The name is kira price.

Frank: (serious tone)But one problem Kira I can't get up.

Kira: Don't worry about that.

   I get up and I pick up Frank and put him on my shoulders he was freaking out about how strong I was and how I was able to carry him for a long period of time.As I carried him over my shoulders he told me about this place he would go to for peace and to do some training there was also a med kit to so I listened to the directions carefully.We were around a cemetery in the forest when I went deeper into the cemetery I found a building it looked kind of run down but I went in it was massive I had a loss for words.

Frank: Keep going down the hall I'll tell you when to turn kira

   Still, i kept walking being alert to everything around me as I look to my left I see a pool as it shimmers the smell of chlorine in the air I kept moving forward I see a baseball field, a basketball court, ice rink, a office,a gym,a boxing ring, a soccer field, and just more equipment.

Frank: Turn to your right.

   I did as I was told it was a room full of medical supplies it had medicine, bandages, stitches, clothes, beds, pillows, covers whatever you could think of they have it everything you could ever want or need.I placed Frank on the bed, I look at him he gives me a nod I lift up his shirt he looked very fit not like a regular kid should look like I could see he has a huge deep scar on his side it was bleeding.I start to think if he wasn't there to protect me from the fall I could have gotten these injuries, I have to help him so I started searching the cabinets, I came across alcohol to clean the wound, I found a cloth and bandages.

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