✨Chapter 55✨

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"Hey stranger." Zara smiled up at O'shea as he continued to mug her. "What's wrong?" She asked. He licked his lips looking around.

"I just talked to Noah's ass and he said that he doesn't even know what rumor you're talking about..care to explain?" He asked.

Zara sighed fixing her bag. "You fucking lied to me just so my girl and I would have problems..you got me questioning her if that's my baby she's carrying."

"Well maybe it isn't yours,you know how girls like her be." O'shea frowned. "What?" He asked.

"Those rich spoiled bitches that think they can have everything." Zara shrugged. She was too blunt.

The main reason why she hated Lyric so much was because she knew who she was and she swore Lyric had it all figured out while Zara had to work and pay her way into a good college without her parents help.

"You got one more time to call Lyric out of her name and it's gonna be a problem." He warned. Zara shut her mouth.

"Stay the hell away from me and keep our names out of your mouth." Zara scoffed and O'shea brushed past her walking to the theatre room.

Meanwhile, "I got a meeting with Dr Dre'." A man said walking up to Lyric's desk. She chewed her chicken salad then swallowed looking him up and down.

"Name?" She asked. He licked his lips. "Kendrick Lamar or K-Dot." Lyric furrowed her eyebrows. "Why you got two first names?" She asked.

He chuckled. "I'm just playing with you." She checked Dre's schedule and sighed when he was apparently with his mistress.

"What's yours?" He asked. Lyric looked up at him. "A'lyric." He frowned then tilted his head to the side. "No shit." Lyric nodded.

"I guess you already know who I am." He nodded. "So he's still in a meeting but I can take you to the studio."

"That's wassup." Lyric stood up and his eyes landed on her stomach. They took the elevator to the fifth floor and walked to the first available studio.

Lyric took a seat and set everything up. "You know what you doing?" Kendrick asked stepping inside of the booth. "I'm not stupid."

Kendrick threw his hands up in defense putting the headphones on and sitting his journal on the stand. "You ready?" Lyric asked.


"So how was he? Did you like him?" Dre' asked Lyric after Kendrick left. Lyric nodded. "Yea I like him."

"How was his style? He wasn't mumbling or anything was he?" Dre' asked. He would've known if he was doing his job instead of having Lyric take care of things like this but she didn't care as long as he paid her extra.

"No mumbling,he was really good." "Okay,imma have him come back up here then we're gonna decide if he's gonna get signed." Lyric frowned.

"We're?" She asked. "Yea,it's the least I can do." She nodded. "Anyways,I'm having dinner with D'Yanna tonight." Lyric's face lit up.

"She's coming to back up here?" "She's thinking about moving back to Cali yea,she said Miami was too much for her and she missed home."

Dre' rubbed his hands together. "So I need you to talk to her for me,hopefully she'll come around." Lyric nodded.

"Well I can try,my babyshower is coming up and she'll be there and you can talk to her." Dre' nodded. "Yea." He and his oldest didn't have a great relationship.

She hated the fact that he cheated on her mother with Nicole,got married and had kids completely shutting her out. Well that's how she felt anyway.

When Lyric got home she threw her keys on the counter and frowned when she saw candles lit everywhere. She locked the door and sat her purse down.

"Hey." She looked up at O'shea who was just coming from the back. "You expecting someone?" She asked. O'shea nodded. "Yea,you."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?" She asked. O'shea sighed. "I owe you an apology..a sincere apology." Lyric let him speak.

"I should've listened to you, Zara lied about everything." Lyric scoffed. "And you think this is gonna make it all better?" She asked pointing at the food and candles.

O'shea sucked his teeth looking down at his feet. "I didn't expect you to forgive me, I know I hurt you but shit...we hurt eachother." He shrugged.

Lyric folded her arms knowing he was right. "I atleast want to make it up to you,admit that I'm wrong and move on for our baby..I'm not saying we should rush and get back together."

"Then what should we do?" She asked. "Just chill and let everything play out?" He asked. Lyric nodded. "And are we seeing other people?" She asked.

O'shea frowned a little. "...Do you want to?" He asked. Lyric shrugged. She didn't know what she wanted. O'shea nodded.

"Okay." He took a seat and sighed picking his fork up losing his appetite.

The Next Day.

"The last thing I want to look like is a watermelon." Lyric told Marisol. She frowned and put the dress down.

"We've been here for hours looking for a dress Lyric..just pick something." "No,I want something cute for my baby shower." Lyric mumbled.

Marisol looked down at her swollen feet and sighed. "And you need a break." Lyric waved her off. "I'm fine." "Yo feet look like they're about to explode boo."

Lyric cut her eyes at her. "Shut up." Marisol smiled. "Owe what about this?" She grabbed a silk dress and Lyric grabbed it. "It's perfect."

"Your welcome." Marisol flipped her hair and Lyric smiled. They went to pay for their things and went to grab something to eat.

"These steak tacos are so good." Lyric said stuffing her mouth. Marisol shook her head watching her eat. Lyric grabbed her drink and took a sip when a waiter walked up to them.

"disfrutando de las señoras de la comida?" He asked. Lyric raised a brow. Marisol laughed. "He asked if we were enjoying the food."

"Oh yea,it's fye as hell." She said. He smiled and held his hand out. "I'm Manny." He said with a tough Hispanic accent. Lyric had to close her legs.

"You can speak english." He shrugged and Lyric wiped her hands off before she shook his hand. "A'lyric."

"That's beautiful." Lyric blushed and Marisol looked between them. "How are you liking my food?" He asked. "Your?" She asked.

"Yea..this is my restaurant." "Huh." Lyric looked at Marisol and she rolled her eyes playfully. "These tacos are amazing."

"Well if you think so how about three more on the house for your number?" He asked licking his lips. Lyric smiled.

"For some food? okay." He handed her his phone and they exchanged numbers before he left. Marisol furrowed her eyebrows.

"What happened with you and O'shea?" She asked. Lyric shrugged. "We're taking a break and decided to see other people."

"That's sad as fuck, why y'all keep going on and off?" Lyric twisted his lips. "He asked if the baby was his or not." Marisol frowned.

"I just thought we needed some time apart." "Y'all fucking other people?" Lyric shook her head. "I'm not,I don't know about him."

"Oh,cause you know boys like pregnant pussy." Lyric rolled her eyes. "Shut up." Marisol laughed. "It's true."


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For the next chapter.

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