✨Chapter 33✨

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"It's not much but it'll help you get some new furniture, clothes and food." Tonya nodded as Naomi gave her a white envelope. Tonya wiped a tear away and pulled her into a hug.

"You're a saint you know that?" Naomi chuckled and hugged her back.

"It's no problem, just remember to get to work on time alright? I didn't give you that job at the shelter for nothing." They pulled away. "I won't, I promise." Naomi smiled. "Good."

"Okay.. this apartment is amazing." Khaleesi said coming from the back. "Mommy I got my own room!" Jay exclaimed. "Yea, you like it?" Tonya smiled. "I love it!"

Naomi smiled. "When did he start calling you Mom?" Naomi asked. "Um, about that.. he's not really adopted." Naomi raised a brow. "Really?"

"He's my ex's son and after he left I took him in. Im all he knows." "Well that was kind of you." "Thanks." "Mrs. Wright?" Khaleesi said. Naomi looked up at her.

"I just wanted to apologize about how I was acting towards you." Naomi nodded. "Okay." "And will you tell Lyric I said I'm sorry?" "I will." Khaleesi smiled and walked off.

"I have to go, but call me alright?" Tonya nodded. "Thank you so much." "No problem." Naomi walked down the hallway to get to the elevator when she saw Eric standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "I should be asking the same question." He sat up straight. "Why are you helping her?"

Naomi sighed. "She needed it, she has kids-" "That's her problem." Naomi rolled her eyes. "Do you not care for others? I said she has kids."

"Again.. that's her problem. She didn't give a fuck about Tyree did she?" "That was years ago and he's my brother I think it's time to forgive and forget."

"And he was my boy.. all she's gonna do is fuck you over. Again."

"It's not like we're best friends again okay? Plus I helped her with some of the money I've been saving up so you have nothing to do with this."

She started walking towards the elevator when Eric grabbed her wrist. "No, we're not doing this here." Naomi snatched her wrist.

"I'm just looking out for you, but obviously you don't want me to." Eric threw his hands up and took a step back.

Meanwhile, "Can we just take a break?" Lyric groaned sitting back in her seat. O'shea shook his head. "Nope we gotta go over the lines a couple more times before we go on break."

Lyric sighed. "But I'm hungry." "You always hungry." O'shea mumbled flipping through the script. "Let's start on page five."

"Lets not." She mumbled. O'shea sighed. "Baby I told you, you wanted to do this so you're gonna have to get serious." "I do but damn, we've been rehearsing for hours.. hours!"

O'shea shrugged. "I don't know how you do it." "I'm dedicated." "I see." She sat up. "So can we take a break?" She asked.

"Fine." Lyric smiled and climbed ontop of him. O'shea sighed and looked around. "Anybody can come in here." Lyric shrugged. "So? You wanna go to the bathroom?"

O'shea bit his lip. "Ten minutes." Lyric smiled and shot up grabbing her purse. They walked into the private restroom and O'shea locked the door.

He turned Lyric around and bent her across the sink. He leaned in and bit her earlobe. "How you want it?" He whispered in her ear causing chills to run down her spin.

"In every way." O'shea smiled and pulled her dress up. Lyric closed her eyes and gripped the sink when she felt him slid into her stomach.

She let out a soft moan and O'shea continued to kiss her neck as he as he went deeper inside of her. Lyric's mouth gaped open when he started thrusting faster.

"Shiiit, I-I can't-" "Shut up." Lyric did just that but her legs were getting weak. O'shea grunted and was about to pull out when he was about to bust but it was too late.

Lyric left it and sighed when he pulled out of her. "Really?" She asked finally opening her eyes.

"My bad." He mumbled. Lyric pulled her clothes back up then turned around facing him. "You trying to get me pregnant?" She joked.

O'shea stared at her as he buckled his Gucci belt. Lyric frowned. "You are aren't you?" She asked. O'shea shrugged. "I didn't say yes." "And you didn't say no either."

".. It wouldn't be a bad thing right? I mean we love eachother." "Yes but that doesn't mean we're ready to be parents." O'shea nodded. "Got it, i'll get you a plan b."

He mumbled fixing his hoodie. He felt some type of way. Lyric sighed and he walked out of the bathroom. Lyric grabbed her purse and tried reaching for the doorknob but her legs wouldn't let her. "Motherfucker."

After O'shea bought Lyric something to eat he dropped her off at home. Lyric took a sip of her drink and looked at him. "You don't want to come in?" She asked.

"Nah." Lyric nodded. "Are you..okay?" She asked. O'shea nodded. "I'm straight." Lyric poked his side and he moved her hand. Lyric frowned.

"Are you sure-" "I'm fine!" He yelled. Lyric furrowed her eyebrows. "I'll talk to you later okay?" Lyric clenched her drink and threw it at him.

He scoffed and touched his white hoodie. "Really?!" He yelled. "Don't fucking yell at me!" She yelled. She got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

"No." He got out of the car and followed her inside of the house. "Lyric." "Leave me alone." She walked up the stairs when O'shea grabbed her hand.

"I didn't mean to yell at you." "Well you did." O'shea opened his mouth to speak when Eric apperead. "Y'all good?" He asked. "We're fine." Lyric said touching the railing.

Eric looked at O'shea's hoodie and laughed. "Damn, that's dead.. what happened?" He asked. "Ask your daughter." Lyric rolled her eyes. "You started it."

"You're crazy!" Eric looked between them. "Oh shut up!" "Nah you shut up, look at what you did to my hoodie? It's ruined!" "I don't care." Eric sighed.

"Y'all calm down, it's too late at night for that." They both were silent. "Imma just go." O'shea turned and walked down the hall.

Eric looked at Lyric and she shrugged. "What?" "Why you do that?" He asked. "I don't know.. I wasn't thinking."

"I bet, go talk to him." Lyric huffed and walked down the stairs and rushed down the long hallway catching up with him. "O'shea wait."

He turned around. "You wanna throw something else at me?" He asked. Lyric frowned. "No, I'm sorry." "Yea okay." "I mean it, I wasn't thinking."

O'shea nodded. "Okay." "So are you gonna tell me why you were acting so funny?" Lyric asked. O'shea shook his head.

"Nothing, don't worry about it.. I'm just tired with the whole play and all." He lied.

Lyric nodded slowly. "Right." "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." Lyric smiled and he kissed her lips five times. "I love you more."


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Jar Of Hearts | O'shea Jackson Jr ♡Where stories live. Discover now