✨Chapter 51✨

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I hope y'all had an amazing Thanksgiving ❤️


       Lyric made her a bowl of cereal and tried to watch the video notes that her professor sent to her
e-mail at the same time. She held her bowl in her hands then sat it on her stomach.


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"Huh." She smiled then took a huge bite. The front door opened and O'shea appeared. "Hi my love." Lyric smiled. O'shea tilted his head to the side. "Hey..how are you doing that?"

He laughed a little and Lyric threw her hands up and sat her bowl on the counter.

"I have no idea." He walked over and kissed her five times then Lyric pinched his cheek. "So did you get the part?" Lyric asked as she started eating again.

O'shea sighed and opened the fridge. "Nah." He mumbled. "That's too bad,you have one more right?" O'shea grabbed the butter, cheese and bread and decided to make him a grilled cheese.

"Nope,that was the last one." Lyric grew silent. O'shea looked at her. "I'm good,don't worry." "I know." She sat her bowl in the sink and rinsed it out. 

She looked over to what O'shea was making and smiled. O'shea playfully rolled his eyes. "I'll make you one." "Thanks Shea Bear."

"I gotta feed my son right?" O'shea asked rubbing it in that they were having a baby boy. Lyric rolled her eyes extra hard. She wanted a girl. "Shut up."

O'shea laughed.  "You salty as hell." Lyric grabbed her laptop then sat at the counter. "So I was thinking we can name him after me.. you know, since we're having a boy." O'shea smiled.

Lyric ignored him. He sat her grilled cheese on the coffee table and sat beside her. "You ignoring me now?" O'shea asked taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yes,you get on my nerves." Lyric mumbled. O'shea touched her belly and couldn't help but smile. He would talk to the baby everyday so he would know his voice when he's born.

"He be moving alot at night too." Lyric said. "Because I talk to him." "When I'm sleep though?" Lyric frowned.

"Fine I'll stop,but I'm telling you..you should talk to him so he can recognize your voice." "I do talk to him." "Not as much as I do,he moves when I talk to him."

"I guess O'shea." She sat her computer down and watched her stomach move a little. She still couldn't believe she was pregnant. She never thought about kids until now.

"I wonder who he looks like the most." Lyric said. "He'll probably look like you most likely,atleast I hope he do." O'shea said. Lyric smiled. "I hope he has your cheeks."

O'shea laughed. "You do know he's gonna be chubby right?" Lyric asked. "Yea." "And squishy." "Squishy?" Oshea squinted his eyes.

"Yea." She reached over for her sandwich but couldn't really move.  O'shea laughed and grabbed it for her. "I don't know why you're laughing,you did this to me."


"Boy she's your daughter,you gotta change her diapers." Naomi told Maceon as she changed Miraiya's diaper. Maceon shook his head and leaned against the wall.

"I'm good." Lyric laughed and scrolled through her phone. "And how are you going? School okay?" Naomi asked her. Lyric looked up at her mother.

"It's fine, besides having my position get taken away on the basketball team and me failing one of my classes because the professor is stupid and doesn't know how to send my work to my email oh and I can barely sleep because this baby likes to stay up all night kicking me.. but I'm fine!"

She nodded and rolled her eyes. Naomi and Maceon looked at eachother. "Baby how are those mood swings coming along?" Naomi asked.

"Oh I haven't really had any yet." Lyric shrugged and Naomi nodded slowly. "I'll give Miraiya a bottle,she's been whining all day." Naomi walked out of the room and the twins looked at eachother. 

"What's up?" Maceon asked. "What you think is up? I'm pregnant." Lyric snapped. Maceon raised a brow. "Wow I feel bad for O'shea." He mumbled. "What you say?"

Lyric asked. "I'm happy for you and O'shea." Maceon quickly lied. "Oh." Lyric mumbled. A smile spread on her face. "Well thank you." Maceon shook his head. 

"I gotta ask you something." Maceon rubbed his hands together. "What?" Lyric asked texting O'shea back. "I need some money and I was hoping you'd loan me some."

Maceon said. Lyric raised a brow. "How much?" She asked.  Maceon licked his lips. "Five grand." Lyric looked up at him. "Five thousand dollars?" She asked. 

"Yea,that's not alot." Lyric scoffed. "Now that I'm paying bills and shit..yes it is." Maceon sighed. "And I have a baby on the way which means I have alot of things to buy..you already have everything for Miraiya."

"I need this money for Miraiya and I..I need to find us a place to stay." "Ask Mama." Maceon cocked his head to the side. "Really? You already know what she's gonna say."

Lyric shrugged and sat back making her belly poke out like a sore thumb.   "I don't know what to tell you bro.. I'll talk to O'shea about it." Maceon smacked his lips. "What you need to talk to him for?"

"Because he's the father of my child and we pay bills together,you think this is easy for us? Atleast you don't have to pay any bills Maceon.. save your money then by a house or whatever you're trying to get."

"Mannn,hate this independent shit." He cursed.

"Yea but look at it this way..if you keep letting them take care of you and Miraiya it won't look good as a father, man up and take care of your daughter nigga." Maceon stared at his sister then looked away.

For once he was actually taking her advice. "Lyric can I talk to you for a second?" Naomi asked stepping into Maceon's room.

"Yea." She held her arms out for one of them to help her get up. Maceon laughed and helped her on her feet. "Thanks." She put her phone in her hoodie pocket and walked out of the room.

"So um,it's about Taylor." Lyric frowned. "She's alive and she has been for some months now-" "Lets go see her." Naomi held her hands up.

"She doesn't remember you or anyone else." She furrowed her eyebrows. "She has amnesia." "How?"

"I don't know..the doctors say that she was beatin up pretty bad then she had a drug overdose and had been in a coma for weeks." "She was being tortured?" Lyric asked. Naomi nodded.

"Looks that way, yea." Lyric folded her arms across her chest and above her stomach. "Can I see her?" "That's what I wanted to talk to you about,Camilla says she's ready to meet you."

Lyric smiled. "Okay." "You gotta go easy on her though,she's still having some trouble." "Yea I understand." They heard someone walk up the stairs. "Oh what's up?" Eric asked. 

Lyric smiled. "Hey Daddy." Eric looked at her stomach for a second then walked to his room. Lyric frowned. "He's still-" "Disappointed in me?" Lyric asked.

Naomi nodded. "He'll get over it." "You said that weeks ago Mama." "But it's true,he's just shocked." "He wasn't like this when Maceon got that gold digger pregnant."

"True." Lyric moved her hair out of her face.


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