✨Chapter 6✨

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Readers must be atleast 16 and up to read or be tramatized throughout the rest of this book🤷🏽‍♀️.
The choice is yours.


"You hungry?" O'shea asked. Lyric nodded. O'shea grabbed the huge teddy bear he won for Lyric.

"I can eat." O'shea smiled and they grabbed some nachos, pizza and snacks to eat. Lyric took a sip of her slushy watching O'shea eat.

He was inhaling his food and Lyric smiled. "Is it good?" She asked. O'shea looked up at her with a full mouth. "Mhm." Lyric laughed.

O'shea wiped his mouth and grabbed his soda. "I'm hungry." Lyric smiled. "I see, I remember you didn't give food a chance when we were little."

O'shea rolled his eyes. "That's when I was fat." Lyric shook her head. "Just chubby." "Hmph.. I remember you were real flat chested like a cutting board."

Lyric gasped then laughed. "Good one, but I was only mad because you had more titties than me." She shrugged. O'shea smacked his lips.

"Good one." Lyric smiled then her smile quickly faded when she thought about what Carlos said. "You good?" O'shea asked. Lyric nodded getting back to her food.

"You don't gotta lie Ma.. it's me." O'shea said. Lyric looked up at him. "It's just something that Carlos said." "What he say?" He asked.

Lyric licked her lips. "Just that I wasn't a virgin and some shit like that." Lyric shrugged. O'shea frowned. Lyric kept her eyes on him.

"You think I'm a virgin.. right?" She asked. "I mean yea." O'shea said. Lyric cocked her head to the side. "Yea right." He shrugged.

"How am I supposed to know? Alot of people are and some aren't.. it's nothing wrong with being a virgin though." Lyric nodded. "Right."

"Shit I am." He mumbled. Lyric's eyes shot up. "You are?" She asked. O'shea stayed silent. "Yea." He whispered. Lyric raised a brow. "I thought you had lots of girlfriends."

O'shea rolled his eyes. "It's not like I didn't have the chance.. I didn't want to give it up to just anybody." Lyric nodded in agreement. "True." "Yea." Lyric bit her lip.

"Well.. we can help eachother out." O'shea looked shocked. "As friends of course." Lyric said twisting her lips nervously.

This was the first time she had ever been nervous and she didn't know why. He's just O'shea..right? He's one of my bestfriends. She thought. O'shea blinked twice. "Unless you don't want to-" "I do." He said quickly.

Lyric furrowed her eyebrows. "I mean yea sure." He changed his tone. Lyric sighed a little. "But are you sure?" He asked. Lyric twisted her lips.

"Yea." O'shea rubbed his hands together. "It's between us.. nobody has to know."

O'shea nodded. "Yea it's only tonight." Lyric nodded. "Okay." O'shea looked at the time that read 6:45. "My parents are on date night and shouldn't be home until the morning.

"I have to be home by ten anyway." O'shea nodded. "I'll just drop you off after." "Alright." They stood up and O'shea grabbed her head before they left.

The whole car ride to O'shea's house was silent. Lyric couldn't stop playing with her fingers and O'shea kept a grip on the steering wheel while his leg shaked a little.

He drove past the gates and killed the engine. "Here we are." He said. Lyric looked up at the huge house that was about the same size as hers.

They got out and O'shea led her upstairs. "It's a bathroom in my room..if that's okay to you." O'shea said. "I've been in your house only a thousand times.. I know where everything is."

O'shea only nodded. He was more nervous than she was. Sure he had been with a couple girls but he never had sex with them.

"Just give me a couple minutes." Lyric said before walking into the bathroom. She cut the lights on and looked at herself in the mirror. "Okay..you got this." Lyric whispered.

She took a deep breath. "You are that bitch." She told herself. "This pussy is water.. yes, you got this." Lyric nodded her head and started stripping until she was butt naked.

She made sure she wasn't hairy anyway and that she wasn't musty at all. Her hair looked good and her titties sat up along with her ass. She was glad she worked out and did squats when Naomi, Erin and her went to the gym.

She grabbed some lotion out of her bag and made sure she wasn't ashy. "Cool." She nodded and slowly opened the door. O'shea was sitting on the bed with some boxers on.

He looked up at her and his palms started to get sweaty. He eyed her body and it was exactly how he imagined it to be. "C'mere." He licked his lips and Lyric slowly walked up to him.

He pulled her on his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck looking into his pretty eyes. "So.. I guess we have to kiss now?" She whispered.

O'shea smiled. "You never kissed a boy before?" He asked. Lyric shook her head. "No." He nodded. "Just follow my lead alright?" He asked. Lyric nodded. "Okay."

He leaned in and kissed her lips slowly. Lyric closed her eyes and kissed back while she felt O'shea's hand grip her butt. Lyric moaned and O'shea added his tongue swiftly.

It wasn't no sloppy kiss, it was a passionate one.

She started grinding her hips a little driving O'shea crazy. They pulled away, stared at eachother and tried to catch their breath. "Wow." Lyric licked her lips.

"You liked it?" Lyric nodded. "Yea." O'shea squeezed her butt and Lyric hissed. "You have condoms right?" Lyric asked. O'shea's eyes widened.

"Shit, I forgot... I'll be back." Lyric slid off of his lap and sat on the bed watching him storm out of the room and got comfortable and laid her head against the headboard.

O'shea quickly walked to his parents room and looked through their nightstand for condoms. He grabbed two just in case and walked back to his room.

"Got em." He held them up and closed the door. Lyric watched him pull his boxers down and she sat up a little. O'shea saw the look on her face and smirked. "You wanna touch it?" He asked.

Lyric bit her lip and touched his rode. She stroked it and heard O'shea let out a groan. She smirked and let him go. O'shea put the condom on and spreaded her legs.

He kissed down her neck and her breasts making sure he got every part of her skin. "I heard it's gonna hurt.. you sure you wanna do this?" O'shea asked hoping she'd say yes.

Lyric nodded wrapping her arms around his neck. "Yes, I want you." She bit his lip and O'shea lifted her leg up and slid his tip in slowly. Lyric closed her eyes tightly and held onto his neck.

"Ouch." She whispered. O'shea's eyes fluttered a little and struggled to keep his eyes open.
"You okay?" He managed to get out.

Lyric nodded her head. He pushed the rest of him in slowly and they both moaned at the same time. Lyric started to get use to it and she threw her head back as O'shea sped up his pace.

It was gonna be a long couple of hours.


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For next chapter.

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